Random Treasure

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Random Treasure

Postby Fezbozz » Tue Aug 28, 2001 7:20 pm

I admit to now nothing about coding so this may not be something that is possible but here goes anyway. I have an idea based from another game I used to play. This wipe I am playing a rogue and I hear alot that picking and finding and removing traps really arn't used all that much. The one thing I loved about gemstone 3 was the random chests that mobs would have that where always locked and sometimes even trapped. I also liked the different kind of picks you could get that added to a rogues bonus to pick open the chests. I rememeber dying on many occasions from a chest that exploded because I missed my find traps check. I think something like this would put good use to those rogue skills that arn't used very much. The chest could just contain a some extra money and maybe some gems to sell in the shops the value of course depending on the mob level and such. Also the diffiulty and severity of the traps and locks would depend on that as well. On gemstone sometimes the chest even had eq in them but that I think might unbalance things and take away from zoning. Lemme know what you all think of this.
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Postby Nokie » Tue Aug 28, 2001 7:28 pm

A random tangent, but talking about chests brought back memories from Asherons Call.

Did any of you play Asheron's Call?

Remember the uber chests inside the lich tower outside the Sho town of Lin? People would sit on those chests for hours on end.

The great thing about it was that the game had a random treasure generator, so you had no idea what you were going to get. But certain chests were flagged to give more 'uber' eq than others, so all the good chests were either a closely guarded secret, or had a 'line' of several people long.

The cool thing about the random equipment is that you could get a really cool gold heaume helmet or some ultra-rare red-metal boots, etc.

Oh, the good times ;)

Nokie 'No you don't!! That belongs to me!' Quickfingers

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