Kiryan's BC bid system and point totals

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Kiryan's BC bid system and point totals

Postby kiryan » Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:49 pm

DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD I REALLY DONT WANT IT CLUTTERED UP. if you want to talk to me about something in this thread, mmail kiryan


1. make sure you can be on time. If you can't be on time then theres 14 of us sitting on our thumbs waiting for you to log in or a replacement to show up.

2. make sure you have enough time. It takes at least 6 hours, and could go 8-10 if people aren't on top of their game (or if i pull a homer). It is virtually impossible to leave mid way through zone.

3. make sure you can pay attention for at least 6 hours. This is an intensive zone. This is not a zone where you can afk at all. I repeat YOU CAN NOT AFK AT ALL. If you have young children I will try to be sympathetic, but if your children are especially needy then you should arrange for childcare or find other less intensive zones to do. We will take regular 5-10 minute break every couple hours and about a 20 minute break midway through.

4. MWRITE KIRYAN with character ***CHARACTER NAMES***, LEVELS, CLASS, and the NAME of the character to whom you want me to mwrite the confirmation (which will include which character you will be playing). I will mmail you a confirmation a day or two before the trip. DON'T ask me in tells or mwrite me before hand who your gonna play or if your in as I don't even try to put together a roster until I have 14ish names.

5. Try to get your characters to at least to 50 and preferably at least 100% into 50. Expect to die multiple times with no ress until after zone. If you love your skills, get further into 50 because I'm not stopping to ress.

15 minutes after the start time, I will begin filling the group with whom ever wants in (unless you have a pre-arranged agreement with me to be late). We will move out 30 minutes after scheduled start time (or as soon as we have a full group). If you are more than 30 minutes late I will dock you 1 bid point... 14x30 = over 8 hours of people's time that is wasted because you were late. If you don't show up at all or are more than 1.5 hours late, I will dock you 2 bid points. These rules both apply even if I fill your spot.

So you can and should log on consent me at the start time then go get snacks, go poop, shower and shave for 20 minutes and come back ready to go.


I reserve the right to dictate what you are allowed to bid on at my sole discretion and the distribution of eq in general. This is my I can do whatever I want disclaimer.

The BC bid system

Bid points will be accumulated at a rate of 1 point for assisting with Avernus, 1 point for outer rings, 1 point for gate/prison/inner rings, 1 point Bel or 1 point per 2 hours block of zoning whichever is greater to a maximum of 6. You can be docked points for being late (1) and or not showing up (2), see NOTES section in HOW TO SIGN UP above.

Only the first 9 points will be conisdered for any split EXCEPT ON DAGGER. If you have 20 points, only 9 points would be counted for split. The bid cap is discretionary, I will likely change it in the future. I will, at my discretion, selectively change the cap for a specific person if I feel fate has been particularly cruel.

You always will receive at least 1 bid. If you are at -15 you will still get to bid with 1 point. You can not solo bid an item and win if you are negative points.

I always have a 25% bid on whichever item I choose. If I have 4 bid points and there is 75 points bid on an item, I will bump myself up to 25 points so that I have a 25 out of 100 chance to win.

A current cost of a BC item is 9 points and the cost will be subtracted from your bid points if you win. Avernus diamond studded ring and amulet of sight rares are included as are tanarii gloves. You may go negative, remember you always get to bid with at least 1 bid point.

I will keep all items that are not bid first round. Those items will be available as first round bids on future runs. At my discretion, items claimed in this way may be sold for bid points at a later date outside of BC trips. Basically this is in hope they get upgraded and worth bidding at a later point in time and to encourage people to bid the item that they want.

Any change to the cost of items will be retroactive on your totals as far back as I have records.

Special rules

You may win 1 daggers until daggers become more commonplace. I will count daggers in your posession when I consider split so having won 0 and being given 2 will be effectively 2 and preclude you from bidding dagger. This rule will stand until the majority of people in my groups have daggers. I know this sucks for some of you, but I took way too much shit when Ashiwi, a career rogue, got her second dagger. Enough said.
Last edited by kiryan on Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:51 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Postby kiryan » Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:50 pm

Next BC Run and update:

Saturday, May 14th starting between 8:30 am PST and 12:30.

There have been quite a few requests to run a trip later, i still prefer the early mornings so i can do something saturday evening, but if your interested mwrite me alts classes and earliest starting time and preferred starting time.

mwrite kiryan if your interested.
Last edited by kiryan on Thu May 05, 2005 5:52 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Postby kiryan » Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:50 pm

Points earned on
Sarell's trip to avernus, 1
Sarell's BC trip 5/13, 2 (1 for half of bel/avernus, 1 for citadel)
5/14 trip, 3 (1 for avernus, 1 for citadel, 1 for bel)
5/14, 5/15, avernus
0 0 1 adem
3 0 0 Aldira
3 2 0 Ashiwi
3 2 0 Ayra
0 0 1 branthur
3 0 1 Cofen
3 0 0 Elun
0 2 0 Irune
3 2 0 Kavik
3 2 0 Kiryan
0 2 0 Korra
0 0 1 kramel
0 0 1 lanla
3 2 0 Lirela
3 0 0 Naled
3 2 1 Nomosololo
0 0 1 nurpy
0 2 1 Pava
3 0 0 Risor
3 2 1 Ruraz
0 2 0 Sarell
3 0 1 Silena
0 0 1 targsk
3 0 0 Theshial
3 2 0 Turgy
3 2 0 Vigis
0 2 0 Xemma
0 0 1 xeslenon
2 2 1 Yggal
0 2 0 Zameru

Points earned on the April 30th trip to BC + Avernus

Aldira 4
Dartan 1
Delmair 4
Elun -5 (DAGGER)
Jayden 4
Kiryan 4
Lirela 4
Nomosolol 4
Pidibeple 4
Risor -5 (SLEEVES)
Rolaz -5 (BRACELET)
Sarli 4
Strugg 4
Silena 1
Vena -5 (AMULET)
Vigis 4
Yggal 4
Yog -5 (GLOVES)
Last edited by kiryan on Mon May 16, 2005 4:55 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Postby kiryan » Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:51 pm

"unbid" EQ available for bid on next BC run.

Supple from 2/27, 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, 4/30
Robe from 4/2, 4/30
Boots from 4/30

CURRENT BID POINTS as of 6/16/05
-1 Agor, DAGGER 3/5/05, ROBE 3/19/05, BRACELET 4/16/05 (3/19 !bid)
23 Aldira AMULET 2/27/05
11 Alilsil
3 Anarii
5 Ashiwi, DAGGER 3/19/05, GLOVES 3/26/05
2 Aranel, AMULET 3/5/05
10 Ashod
1 Ayra, ROBE 3/12/05, AMULET 4/2/05
1 Branthur
2 Buppinoble
2 Cefiw
-6 Corth, AMULET 3/19/05
-5 Crumar, SLEEVES 3/12/05
18 Dartan
8 Delmair
1 Duna
20 Elun RING 3/26/05, DAGGER 4/30/05
5 Engra, BRACELET 3/12/05
4 Flib
6 Gormal, SLEEVES 3/5/05, BOOTS 4/2/05
3 Glahir, SLEEVES 4/2/05
-3 Grylor, ROBE (sometime before 5/15/05)
1 Gura, BRACELET 4/30/05
2 Ifin
-5 Ilashi, SLEEVES 3/19/05
0 Inama
9 Jayden
4 Jimak
16 Kiryan, RING 3/20/05, DAGGER 4/16/05
11 Klandan
-1 Kogor
2 Korra
-12 Kramel, BRACELET 2/27/05, BRACELET 3/5/05, AMULET 3/12/05, SLEEVES 4/16/05
-1 Ladak
1 Lanla
9 Larim
9 Lirela
2 Lilithelle
6.5 Lenefir
-6 Maxler, ROBE 2/27/05, BRACELET 4/2/05
3 Mishri
-5 Mithil, AMULET 4/16/05
-1 Napex
7 Naled
4 Nanig
8 Nitupopple
14 Nomosolol
-1 Nonox
1 Nurpy
1 Osheara
8 Oteb
3 Pava
-1 Pidibeple, BRACELET 4/16/05
1 Plilo
-6 Rer, SLEEVES 2/27/05, ROBE 3/5/05
2 Risor, SLEEVES 4/30/05
2 Ruagh
-5 Salen, BOOTS 4/16/05
10 Sarli
7 Silena, DAGGER 3/12/05
4 Strugg
1 Sotana
8 Talsor
-1 Tarec
11 Targsk
2 Teflor
22 Thalash
3 Theshial
5 Turg
4 Vena, DAGGER 2/27/05, AMULET 4/30/05
8 Vigis, ROBE 3/5/05
4 Vlax
-5 Weylarii, GLOVES 4/2/05
26 Yggal, DAGGER 4/2/05
0 Yog, GLOVES 4/30/05
3 Xeslennon
2 Zameru
4 Zolth
Last edited by kiryan on Mon May 16, 2005 5:03 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Postby kiryan » Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:54 pm

Points earned on the April 16th trip to BC + Avernus

Aldira 4
Cofen -5 (BRACELET)
Delmair 4
Elusia 4
Grylor -5 (ROBE)
Kiryan -5 (DAGGER)
Kramel -5 (SLEEVES)
Mithil -5 (AMULET)
Naled 4
Nomosolol 4
Pidibeple -5 (BRACELET)
Rer 4
Risor 4
Salen -5 (BOOTS)
Yggal 4

Had alilsil listed twice as alts, combined them to Alilsil (11).
Alibble (1)
Alilsil (10)

Points earned on the April 2nd trip to BC + gloves

Agor 4
Alta 4
Ayra -5 (4 - 9 AMULET)
Aldira 4
Kiryan 4
Elun 4
Engra 4
Glahir -5 (4 - 9 SLEEVES)
Gormal -5 (4 -9 BOOTS)
Kramel 4
Maxler -5 (4 - 9 BRACELET)
Alilsil 4
Silena 4
Teflor 4
Weylarii -5 (4 - 9 GLOVES)
Yggal -5 (4 - 9 DAGGER)

Points earned on the unscheduled 3/26/05 Avernus trip that made me 2 hours late for meeting friends for dinner, yea mud rares.

2 Aldira
-7 Ashiwi (2 - 9 GLOVES)
2 Ayra
2 Buppinoble
2 Cefiw
2 Ifin
2 Kiryan
2 Lilithelle
-8 Elun (1 - 9 RING)
2 Rumata
0 Thalash (CLAIM SIGHT)
2 Vena
2 Yog
2 Xeslennon

I'm forgetting a warrior and a ranger, but i can't remember who... Maybe bailen's warrior? Anyone remember? please please please mwrite kiryan.

Point revision:

I got Aranel and Zacaras confused and misapplied points for the 3/12 run. The effective changes is +9 to Aranel for not winning Sleeves and -5 to Zacaras for the Sleeves.

Points earned on the 3/20/05 Avernus trip

Aldira 1
Ashiwi 1
Aranel 1
Elun 1
Kiryan -8 (1 - 9 RING)
Klandan 1
Kramel 1
Larim 1
Maxler 1
Osheara 1
Pril 1
Shaiith 1
Thalash 1
Yog 1
Vena 1

Points earned on the 3/19/05 BC trip

The trip was 6 hours and included avernus, 4 points to Griffendor.

Aldira 4
Alibble 1
Ashiwi -5 (4 - 9 DAGGER)
Ayra 4
Corth -5 (4 - 9 AMULET)
Elun 4
Gormal 4
Ilashi -5 (4 for sleeves)
Kiryan 4
Klandan 4
Lyna 4
Maxler 1
Mishri 3
Nanig 4
Pril -5 (4 - 9 ROBE)
Shaiith 4
Engra 3 (4 - 1 for being 52 minutes late)
Teflor -2 (more than 1.5 hour late and replaced)
Thalash 4
Vigis -2 (no call no show)
Yog -2 (more than 1.5 hour late and replaced)

Supple and Bracelet were not bid first round and are available for bid on future runs.

mwrite Kiryan if any of the above is inaccurate.

Points earned on the 3/12/05 trip lead by Sarell.

The trip was reportedly 8 hours long and included avernus which makes it a 4 point trip by my calculation.


Aldira 4
Aristan 4
Ashiwi 4
Ayra -5 (4 - 9 ROBE)
Glahir 4
Kaln 4
Kramel -5 (4 - 9 AMULET)
Larim 4
Lyna 4
Maxler 4
Sarli 4
Shaiith 4 (supple reportedly returned to Sarell)
Silena -5 (4 -9 DAGGER)
Zacaras -5 (4 - 9 SLEEVES)
Vlax 4
Klandan 1
Engra -6 (3 - 9 for bracelet) (edit)
**Engra -7 (2 - 9 for bracelet)

mwrite Kiryan if any of the above is inaccurate.

also, if anyone know the final disposition of supple chainmail please mwrite kiryan.

Adjustment because I didn't calculate the 2/27/05 trip according to hours spent, since we spent 3.5 hours in avernus and like 8 in BC most folks should be at 6 points.

Aldira 2
Alilsil 2
Anarii 0 (should be 1 but I miscalculated his original points)
Aristan 2
Aranel 2
Ashod 2
Ashiwi 2
Cofen 1
Elun 2
Kiryan 2
Kramel 2
Maxler 0
Rer 1
Thalash 2
Vena 2
Vigis 2
Yggal 2

BC on the 3/5/05 trip.
Agor -6 (3 + -9 for DAGGER)
Aldira 3
Alta 3
Aranel -6 (3 + -9 for AMULET)
Dartan 1
Elun 3
Engra 3
Kaln -6 (3 + -9 for SLEEVES)
Kiryan 3
Klandan 3
Kramel -6 (3 + -9 for BRACELET)
Shaiith 3
Silena 3
Thalash 3
Vigis -6 (3 + -9 for ROBE)
Rer -6 (3 + -9 for SUPPLE)

Dartan points update
Thalash 8 for 2 trips that weren't recorded for some reason
Vena 1 for doing Bel on one Dartan trip

Avernus on 2/28/05
aranel 1
ashiwi 1
cofen 1
duna 1
engra 1
kaln 1
kiryan 1
kramel 1
lilithelle 1
maxler 1
plilo 1
rer 1
sotana 1
vigis 1
vena 1

BC on 2/27/05
Aldira -5 (4 + -9 AMULET)
Alilsil 4
Anarii 4
Aristan 4
Aranel 4
Ashod 4
Ashiwi 4
Cofen 3
Elun 4
Kiryan 4
Kramel -5 (4 + -9 BRACELET)
Maxler -8 (1 + -9 ROBE)
Rer -6 (3 + -9 SLEEVES)
Thalash 4
Vena -5 (4 + -9 DAGGER)
Vigis 4
Yggal 4

Dartan Points converted
Ashod: 4
Dartan: 8
Elun: 8
Flib: 4
Gormal: 8
Inama: -1
Jimak: 4
Kiryan: 0
Kogor: -1
Ladak: -1
Larim: 4
Lenefir: 6.5
Napex: -1
Nitupopple: 8
Nonox: -1
Oteb: 8
Pidibeple: 0
Tarec: -1
Yog: 4
Zolth: 4
Last edited by kiryan on Thu May 05, 2005 5:53 am, edited 10 times in total.
and tonights winner in the Toril EQ lottery is demi belt and skull earring!
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Postby Corth » Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:24 am

Corth 75!!
Last edited by Corth on Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
Having said all that, the situation has been handled, so this thread is pretty much at an end. -Kossuth

Goddamned slippery mage.
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Postby kiryan » Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:25 pm

Updated 3/19/2005

Wow. what a F*d up run. Was going to twink the crap out of the rings and someone handled it for us. Unbeknownst to us however, they also fuxord the citadel and we had to wait for a flurry of reboots and "fixes". Thanks Shev, and whomever else was involved in fixing that. Part of the fixes seemed to roll back the blocking of the gateguards, and after clearing it I found another reason to hate that those gateguards repop. As we were finishing the last gate mob, all the dead ones repopped. That sucked but then we fled down instead.

Another item of interest, we had trouble keeping that stupid sergeant in the dungeon from pathing out. I think the first time hew as parad, and the second time he walked out while people were fighting (but some sort of backstab/switch weakness left the mob with no target and he pathed out).

Bel seemed to get some teeth... with full spells a 1k tank pretty much died on entry, and we had several occurences of double sword proc which pretty much wiped us out. Future runs be warned. Had a couple crashes while fighting Bel, hopefully those crash bugs will be squashed in short order, thank you Eilistraee for your support.

After 4 runs, I think that there are some problems with my bidding system. Look forward to some changes in the near future. If you had a problem with how the split went this time or have any suggestions, please mwrite kiryan. I have heard that people are already promising to never come again, and I hope that we can make adjustments instead.

Next BC run is probably going to be in 2 weeks Saturday 4/2. I may try and run it next saturday 3/26 if the important people in my life are supportive.

Updated 3/16/2005

Added one point to Engra's total for the 3/12 run based on hours and participation in majority of inner citadel run.

Updated 3/14/2005

New rule, you can not solo bid an item and win it if you are negative points.

Update 3/11/2005

Diamond studded ring and amulet of sight added to loot list and deducted at 9 points.

***PLEASE NOTE I SCREWED UP THE DATE, SATURDAY IS 3/19 not 3/20 as previously posted.


in two weeks. Saturday (3/19) at 8:30am PST (we are leaving at 9am if the group is capable). mwrite me, see above for HOWTO

Whats new: Sunday March 6th 2005

4 new things added to bidding rules

1. you always get at least 1 bid.
2. you lose 1 bid if you are more than 15 minutse late.
3. i always get 25% chance to win what i want.
4. you can be docked points for being late or not showing up
Last edited by kiryan on Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kiryan » Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:26 pm

and another one just because i thought i had enough space but was wrong once before
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Postby kiryan » Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:27 pm

take whatever you need and double it.
and tonights winner in the Toril EQ lottery is demi belt and skull earring!
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Postby kiryan » Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:27 pm

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Postby Shar » Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:07 am

Thanks for the edit, kiryan :) ppl like you make me smile.


(edited to remove my comment about the level of obnoxiousness this thread used to contain :P )
Last edited by Shar on Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Shar - Forger Administrator, TorilMUD

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Postby Corth » Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:02 pm


Please don't post your useless drivel in this thread. Only Kiryan is allowed to post useless drivel here. :)

Having said all that, the situation has been handled, so this thread is pretty much at an end. -Kossuth

Goddamned slippery mage.
teflor the ranger
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Postby teflor the ranger » Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:42 pm

Actually, Shar, I like it.

Players trying to get along, even if it is obnoxious, at least it's happening.
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Postby Dalar » Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:06 pm

Obnoxious? I guess you've never lead the zone with the current playerbase.
It will be fixed in Toril 2.0.
Aremat group-says 'tanks i highly suggest investing 20 silver in training weapons from cm to cut down on the losing scales to shield'
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Postby rer » Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:19 pm

Dalar wrote:Obnoxious? I guess you've never lead the zone with the current playerbase.

He's a ranger - he's never even BEEN to the zone!
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Postby Dalar » Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:28 pm

rer wrote:
Dalar wrote:Obnoxious? I guess you've never lead the zone with the current playerbase.

He's a ranger - he's never even BEEN to the zone!

was talking to shar. i don't recognize ranger opinions
It will be fixed in Toril 2.0.

Aremat group-says 'tanks i highly suggest investing 20 silver in training weapons from cm to cut down on the losing scales to shield'
teflor the ranger
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Postby teflor the ranger » Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:44 pm

rer wrote:
Dalar wrote:Obnoxious? I guess you've never lead the zone with the current playerbase.

He's a ranger - he's never even BEEN to the zone!

Lies. He lies like a human worm baby.
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Postby Jhorr » Thu May 05, 2005 3:34 am


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