Evil Invoker Nuke/Memout/Gate Scripting

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Evil Invoker Nuke/Memout/Gate Scripting

Postby Gizep » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:31 pm

** EDITED **
Missed some crap sorry :p

Code: Select all

#VAR cond {awful}
#CLASS {System|Pueblo}

#CLASS {Standard}
#TRIGGER {You start chanting...} {#var Casting {1} {0} "CasterVariables"}
#TRIGGER {You complete your spell...} {#var Casting {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#alarm +5 {nuke}}
#TRIGGER {%w {is in an excellent condition|has a few scratches|has some small wounds and bruises|has quite a few wounds|has some big nasty wounds and scratches|looks pretty hurt|is in awful condition}~.$} {#var Stone {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#var Blur {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#var Globe {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#var Displace {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#var Shield {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#var Scale {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#var Glance {1} {0} "CasterVariables";#T+ SpellCheck}
#TRIGGER {^$} {#if (@Glance == 1) {#VAR Glance {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#T- SpellCheck};#T- SpellCount}
#TRIGGER {Your studies are complete~.} {#GAG;#VAR EDiff {%eval( (@EHour*3600)+(@Eminute*60)+(@ESecond))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR BDiff {%eval( (@BHour*3600)+(@Bminute*60)+(@BSecond))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR TDiff {%eval( @EDiff-@BDiff)} {} "SpellTimer";#say %ansi( white, norm)Memtime @TDiff~(@MemTime~);#VAR Memming {0} {} "Variables";#VAR Medding {0} {} "Variables";#IF (@IntCaster == 1) {put all.@Book @Bag};stand;mem}
#TRIGGER {You have finished memorizing ({*})~.} {#GAG;#VAR EHour {%int( %time( hh))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR EMinute {%int( %time( nn))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR ESecond {%int( %time( ss))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR EDiff {%eval( (@EHour*3600)+(@Eminute*60)+(@ESecond))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR SDiff {%eval( (@SHour*3600)+(@Sminute*60)+(@SSecond))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR TDiff {%eval( @EDiff-@SDiff)} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR OTime {%item( @Seconds, 1)} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR ReportedTime {%eval( @ReportedTime-%item( @Seconds, 1))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR MemmingSpells {%delitem( %item( @MemmingSpells, 1), @MemmingSpells)} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR Seconds {%delitem( %item( @Seconds, 1), @Seconds)} {} "SpellTimer";#IF (%numitems( @MemmingSpells > 0)) {#VAR A {%item( @MemmingSpells, 1)} {} "SpellTimer"};#IF (%numitems( @Seconds) >0) {#VAR B {%item( @Seconds, 1)} {} "SpellTimer";#SAY %ansi( white, norm)%1 @TDiff~(@Otime~) @ReportedTime left. Next @A ~- @B} {#SAY %ansi( white, norm)%1 @TDiff~(@Otime~)};#VAR SHour {%int( %time( hh))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR SMinute {%int( %time( nn))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR SSecond {%int( %time( ss))} {} "SpellTimer"}
#TRIGGER {({%d}) seconds~:  ~({*}~) ({*})} {#VAR LastTime {@ReportedTime} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR ReportedTime {%1} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR MemTime {%1} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR RealTime {%eval( @ReportedTime-@LastTime)} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR Seconds {%additem( @RealTime, @Seconds)} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR MemmingSpells {%additem( %2, @MemmingSpells)} {} "SpellTimer";#DELITEM Seconds 0;#DELITEM MemmingSpells ""}
#TRIGGER {And you are currently {*} the following spells~:} {#VAR MemmingSpells {} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR Seconds {0} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR LastTime {0} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR RealTime {0} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR ReportedTime {0} {} "SpellTimer"}
#TRIGGER {You have memorized the following spells~:} {#delclass TempSpell;#DELCLASS SpellTimer;#T+ SpellCount;#var MemThis {0} {0} "TempSpell";#var MemTime {0} {0} "TempSpell";#var ThisSpell {} {} "TempSpell";#var MemSpells {} {} "TempSpell";#var MemSpells {} {} "TempSpell";#var SpellCount {} {} "TempSpell";#var SpellNames {} {} "TempSpell";#var Memming {0} {0} "TempSpell";#var Medding {0} {0} "TempSpell";#var NeedsToMem {0} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {P~: std ~>} {#var Standing {1} {0} "Variables"} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {P~: {sit|rcl|knl} ~>} {#var Standing {0} {0} "Variables"} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {You sit down and relax.} {mem}
#TRIGGER {You continue your study.} {#VAR Memming {1} {} "Variables";#IF (@IntCaster == 1) {get all.@book @bag};med;#VAR BHour {%int( %time( hh))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR BMinute {%int( %time( nn))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR BSecond {%int( %time( ss))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR SHour {%int( %time( hh))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR SMinute {%int( %time( nn))} {} "SpellTimer";#VAR SSecond {%int( %time( ss))} {} "SpellTimer"}
#TRIGGER {You abort your spell before it~'s done~!} {#var Casting {0} {0} "CasterVariables";#alarm +5 {nuke}}
#TRIGGER {Score information for ({%1})} {#var ChName {%1} {%1} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {Autosaving...} {save}
#TRIGGER {Exits~:({*)}$} {#VARIABLE RoomExits {%delitem( "", %replace( %replace( %1, "-", "|"), " ", ""))} {_nodef} "Variables";#IF (@MemmingOut == 1) {rest}}
#TRIGGER {Class:%s{Invoker|Necromancer|Illusionist|Enchanter|Lich}} {#VAR IntCaster {1} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {Class:%s{Paladin|Anti-Paladin|Warrior|Ranger|Dire-Raider}} {#VAR IntCaster {0} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {Class:%s{Cleric|Shaman|Anti-Paladin|Paladin|Ranger|Dire-Raider}} {#VAR IntCaster {0} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {You are now a member of} {#var Grouped {1} {} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {{has disbanded|You disband} the group.} {#var Grouped {0} {} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {You group-say ~'I~'ve rolled  a %d sided dice %d times, the total result is:({*})~'} {#IF (@Rolling == 1) {#var winningdice {%1} {} "Variables";#var Rolling {0} {} "Variables";#forall {@dicearray} {#VAR Tmp1 {%int( %eval( (((%ismember( %i, @dicearray))-1)*10)+1))} {} "Variables";#VAR Tmp2 {%int( %eval( %int( %ismember( %i, @dicearray)*10)))} {} "Variables";#IF (@winningdice >= @Tmp1 & @winningdice <Tmp2> 0 | %ismember( %2, @GroupList) > 0) {#IF (@NeedsToMem == 1 & @AutoMem == 1 & @Fighting == 0) {memout} {#IF (@Fighting == 0 & @AutoAssist == 1) {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %1};#IF (%ismember( %2, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %2}}}}}
#TRIGGER {E~: {%w} EC~:} {#VAR Fighting {1} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {R.I.P.} {#VAR Fighting {0} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {You are rescued by ({%w})} {#VAR Fighting {0} {0} "Variables";#alarm +10 {assist %1}}
#TRIGGER {your share of exp} {#VAR Fighting {0} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {({%w}) assists ({%w}) heroically.} {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList) > 0 | %ismember( %2, @GroupList) > 0) {#IF (@NeedsToMem == 1 & @AutoMem == 1 & @Fighting == 0) {memout} {#IF (@Fighting == 0 & @AutoAssist == 1) {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %1};#IF (%ismember( %2, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %2}}}}}
#TRIGGER {({%w}) sends ({*}) sprawling with a powerful bash.} {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList) > 0 | %ismember( %2, @GroupList) > 0) {#IF (@NeedsToMem == 1 & @AutoMem == 1 & @Fighting == 0) {memout} {#IF (@Fighting == 0 & @AutoAssist == 1) {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %1};#IF (%ismember( %2, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %2}}}}}
#TRIGGER {({%w}) {*} here, fighting ({*})~.} {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList) > 0 | %ismember( %2, @GroupList) > 0) {#IF (@NeedsToMem == 1 & @AutoMem == 1 & @Fighting == 0) {memout} {#IF (@Fighting == 0 & @AutoAssist == 1) {#IF (%ismember( %1, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %1};#IF (%ismember( %2, @GroupList)) {#VARIABLE Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";assist %2}}}}}
#TRIGGER {You can't see who is fighting} {#VAR Fighting {0} {0} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {You assist} {#var Fighting {1} {0} "Variables";nuke}
#TRIGGER {You {stop fighting|flee}} {#VAR Fighting {0} {0} "Variables"}
#CLASS {Meditate}
#TRIGGER {You stop meditating.} {#VAR Medding {0} {} "Variables";#ALARM +5 {#T+ Meditate};med;#T- Meditate}
#CLASS {GroupStat} {disable}
#TRIGGER {%s      ({*})} {#ADDITEM Gstat {%1}}
#TRIGGER {^$} {#T- GroupStat;#FORALL @Gstat {lookup %i;#IF (@Found == 1) {gsay @stat}};#VARIABLE GTot {0} {0} "Variables"}
#CLASS {GStat} {disable}
#TRIGGER {The following items exist in the group cache for ({*}):} {#T+ GroupStat;#T- GStat;#VARIABLE GTot {1} {} "Variables";#VARIABLE GStat {} {} "Variables"}
#CLASS {Standard|Bot}
#TRIGGER {^({%w}) tells you ~'gate ({%w}){*}~'} {#if (@Casting == 0 & @Standing == 1 & @GateBot == 0) {#var GateTarget {%1} {} "Variables";#var GatePlane {%2} {} "Variables";#var Gating {1} {0} "Variables";tell %1 Gating %2;gate %2;#var GateBot {1} {0} "Variables"}}
#TRIGGER {You complete your spell...$There is a slight breeze as the dusts swirl around and condense$into {*} portal.$} {l in portal}
#TRIGGER {You peer into {*} and see...$({*})$} {#var RoomName {%1} {} "Variables";#if (@Gating == 1 & @GateBot == 1) {tell @GateTarget %1};#Var Gating {0} {0} "Variables";#var GateBot {0} {0} "Variables";#var GateTarget {} {} "Variables";#var GatePlane {} {} "Variables"}
#TRIGGER {You don't have that spell memorized.} {#IF (@GateBot == 1) {tell @GateTarget Loading....Please.....Wait.....;mgate;#var GateBot {1} {0} "Variables"}}
#TRIGGER {You clamber to your feet.} {#if (@GateBot == 1) {tell @GateTarget Gating @GatePlane;gate @GatePlane;#var GateBot {1} {0} "Variables";#var Gating {1} {0} "Variables"}}
#TRIGGER {^~<P>{%s}({%w}) tells you ~'gate ({%w}){*}~'} {#if (@Casting == 0 & @Standing == 1 & @GateBot == 0) {#var GateTarget {%1} {} "Variables";#var GatePlane {%2} {} "Variables";#var Gating {1} {0} "Variables";tell %1 Gating %2;gate %2;#var GateBot {1} {0} "Variables"}}
#CLASS {cond}
#TRIGGER {E: (%w) EC: ({nasty wounds|pretty hurt|awful}) P:} {#if (@Casting == 0) {#If (@cond != "%2") {@cond = %2;gsay %1 - @cond}}}
#CLASS {AutoLogin} {enable}
#TRIGGER {Please enter your term type ~(~<CR> ansi~, ~'~?~' help~)~:} {#CR} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {Do you wish to create a new character~? Y~/N} {N;@YOURNAMEHERE;@YOURPASSWORDHERE} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {Reconnecting~.} {score;#T- AutoLogin}
#TRIGGER {Make your choice~:} {1} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {The Viperstongue Reception} {n;e;#T- AutoLogin}
#CLASS {GBuild}
#VAR GroupList {} {}
#VAR Cleric {} {}
#VAR Enchanter {} {}
#VAR Battlechanter {} {}
#VAR Bard {} {}
#VAR Illusionist {} {}
#VAR Shaman {} {}
#VAR Druid {} {}
#VAR Elementalist {} {}
#VAR Psionicist {} {}
#VAR Invoker {} {}
#VAR Rogue {} {}
#VAR Ranger {} {}
#VAR Direraider {} {}
#VAR Paladin {} {}
#VAR Antipaladin {} {}
#VAR Warrior {} {}
#VAR Necromancer {} {}
#VAR Lich {} {}
#VAR Anon {} {}
#CLASS {TempSpell}
#VAR ThisSpell {} {}
#VAR MemSpells {} {}
#VAR Memming {0} {0}
#VAR Medding {0} {0}
Last edited by Gizep on Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
As long as we live in this world we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles.
-- The Dali Lama
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Postby Gizep » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:52 pm

Oh yeah! how it works....

automem - turns memout on and off
autonuke - turns nuke on and off
autoassist - turns autoassist on and off
rgadd - gotta do this to load the grouplist
score - loads a few needed variables
mem - loads the spell database, check NonNukes and Areas for needed changes per your character.
As long as we live in this world we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles.
-- The Dali Lama
Posts: 150
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Location: Menzoberranzan

Postby Gizep » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:53 pm

damn double post!
As long as we live in this world we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles.
-- The Dali Lama
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Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:44 pm
Location: iowa

Postby Kordon » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:13 pm

i'm kind of new to this stuff. Why would you need to load a group list, and how do you begin the nuking? I tried to make an auto nuke for myself, but it's just not fast enough to be very effective on solo play.
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Postby Ambar » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:59 pm

hehe does it take any skill at all to play anymore? or is it the best scripter wins?
"When a child is born, so is a grandmother."

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Arilin Nydelahar
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Postby Arilin Nydelahar » Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:33 am

Ambar wrote:hehe does it take any skill at all to play anymore? or is it the best scripter wins?

Obviously it's the best scripter. Duh. Look at us, considering what Jake said awhile back we must be the best cause all we do is bot.
Shevarash OOC: 'what can I say, I'm attracted to crazy chicks and really short dudes'
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Postby Ambar » Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:46 am

Arilin Nydelahar wrote:
Ambar wrote:hehe does it take any skill at all to play anymore? or is it the best scripter wins?

Obviously it's the best scripter. Duh. Look at us, considering what Jake said awhile back we must be the best cause all we do is bot.

my bad :( I forgot :(
"When a child is born, so is a grandmother."

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Postby Disoputlip » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:40 pm

Arilin Nydelahar wrote:
Ambar wrote:hehe does it take any skill at all to play anymore? or is it the best scripter wins?

Obviously it's the best scripter. Duh. Look at us, considering what Jake said awhile back we must be the best cause all we do is bot.

Sometimes, e.g. rescues, then a trigger will beat manual.

But the above nuke script as I see it would be beaten by a manual nuker in zonage.

So mabye the best scripter wins, but then the script must first beat a manual invoker paying attention.

(Haven't tried script, just base it on reading the triggers).
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Postby Zoldren » Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:55 pm

Arilin Nydelahar wrote:
Ambar wrote:hehe does it take any skill at all to play anymore? or is it the best scripter wins?

Obviously it's the best scripter. Duh. Look at us, considering what Jake said awhile back we must be the best cause all we do is bot.

You forgot... ***Automated response written by....*** :)

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