Tired of walking the same old paths?

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Tired of walking the same old paths?

Postby Lilithelle » Sat Feb 09, 2002 5:39 am

Seemed so mindless when walking those long paths like wd to mh, all i was doing was going which ever direction i didn't just come from. So I made an alias/trigger that would walk me along any path path and stop at intersections for me to decide which way. This may be a bit complex, maybe someone can shorten this a bit. Was written for room sizes being on and brief on and won't work otherwise.


#rem Find revdir, the opposite direction to the one we just went.
#var revdir "-"
#if (@lastdir = "U") {#var revdir "D"}
#if (@lastdir = "D") {#var revdir "U"}
#if (@lastdir = "W") {#var revdir "E"}
#if (@lastdir = "E") {#var revdir "W"}
#if (@lastdir = "N") {#var revdir "S"}
#if (@lastdir = "S") {#var revdir "N"}
#rem If there aren't exactly two directions stop and allow a decision.
#if (%numwords(%line) != 3) {#t- Autowalk
#echo Autowalk off. } {#var dir1 %right(%left(%word(%line, 2), 2), 1)
#var dir2 %right(%left(%word(%line, 3), 2), 1)
#if (@dir1 = @revdir) {#var lastdir @dir2
@lastdir} {#if (@dir2 = @revdir) {#var lastdir @dir1
@lastdir} {#echo This room doesn't map properly, there is no exit back to the previous room.
#echo Autowalk off.
#t- AutoWalk } } }


Name: Walk

#var lastdir %upper(%1)
#if (@lastdir = "OFF") { #t- AutoWalk } { #t+ AutoWalk
@lastdir }

You enter Walk <direction> to start it, if you want to turn it off use Walk Off.

I also made a series of triggers to turn the walk trigger off when moves are out, combat is entered, open water is hit, etc.
Enjoy Image
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Postby Lig » Thu Feb 21, 2002 10:44 pm

heh, this is really brilliant.
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Postby torkur » Thu Feb 21, 2002 11:14 pm

Wow, cool idea. Image
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Dredging up an old post...

Postby Branthur » Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:17 pm

I had this working before..but trying to get it to work again, and it just ain't goin. Don't know if it's just that the format of this changed when the bbs was switched over..I dunno. Main problem comes up I _think_ in the script after "#rem If there aren't exactly two directions stop and allow a decision."..

Nekler BlazingWolf
Posts: 176
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Postby Nekler BlazingWolf » Fri Apr 18, 2003 3:29 pm

Have you changed versions of zmud since you last had it working?

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