EVERQUEST - Kalesta's Saga (Part 6)

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EVERQUEST - Kalesta's Saga (Part 6)

Postby Wulv » Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:38 pm

*-*-* The Death of a Soul (Part 1) *-*-*

Kalesta awoke from her slumber to find herself in a little shack, lying on a pile of straw far from her private abode in the Elemental Nexus. Confusion and alarm rang hard inside her head. She jumped to her feet and then noticed that she was naked. Where were her clothes? Who had done this? All these and many more questions raced through Kalesta's mind like a laboratory through a snow bunny.

Kalesta instinctively grasped out with her magic to call forth a servant, but she could feel nothing. "BY THE WRATH!" Kalesta swore. She was as helpless as an infant. Fear and dread overwhelmed her and she collapsed to the floor, sobbing like the day her mother "hurt" her so long ago. But soon the tears stopped and rage filled Kalesta to the point she could barely string two coherent thoughts together.

It was then she noticed that the little shack she had awoken in had no door and four windows. There seemed to be emptiness and blackness on the other side of the windows. There were no visible windows themselves just four holes in the side of this little hovel. Kalesta reached out towards one of the openings and her fingertips where immediately gripped with an unbearable cold, Kalesta cried out in pain. She staggered back and neared another of the windows, this time her fingers felt like they had been dragged over sharp gravel for days.

She stifled a yelp of pain and pulled her hand back quickly to notice that her fingers were bloody and gouged. A horrifying thought came to her at that moment, but one she had to verify no matter how painful it might be. She reached towards the next window and as she expected but the pain was still immense, her fingers where burnt by an incredible blast of heat, Kalesta used her had that had been struck by the immense cold earlier so that saved her some damage, but not much. The fourth window she suspected would be something like a scathing gale, but when she reached out towards the window, she was knocked backwards against the other side of the little shack by a huge blast of wind. The blow was so great and unexpected that Kalesta knocked her head against the far wall and passed out.

An unknown amount of time later Kalesta awoke and this time she was on an island in the middle of the ocean. But this island wasn't like anything Kalesta had ever seen in the Ocean of Tears or any other large body of water. The island itself was barren of anything save sharp little rocks, there wasn't any sand, just rocks.

The water itself looked odd too, it was a deep white-blue. The wind was fierce but dry, something it shouldn't have been in the middle of the ocean.

Finally the sun above her looked orange, kind of lava like. All this was disturbing to her, but her thoughts were interrupted by an incredibly strong blast of wind that knocked her from her feet and she hit her head on the rocky island and passed out again. Kalesta awoke with a start a third time to the blank face of an elemental. Fear struck Kalesta for an instant before she realized she was in her room in the Elemental Nexus. A quick body check revealed that her fingers where no frostbite, burnt, or scrapped bloody. Her head didn't hurt and she was clothed in her crystalline sleeping gown.


A soul-wrenching scream could be heard echoing through the air, the dark denizens of this realm paid as much attention to the sound as an ogre would to a smug of grime on his face. Again the scream echoed through the realm, but this time words could be made out. The lord of this realm heard those words and pondered what was to come and smiled evilly into the nothingness around him.


Edarea walked quickly through the streets of Felwithe, an overpowering urge to find Yeolarn. But upon arriving at the clerics guild, she found out from an acolyte that Yeolarn was off in Lesser Faydark looking for some rare healing herbs.

Edarea ran from the halls and ran through the streets like a woman possessed. The sense of dread growing in her chest with every step, and a great uncertainness was upon her.

As Edarea burst through the gates of the city into the lands of Greater Faydark she felt a sharp pain, almost as if struck with a hot brand in the stomach. A nearby guard walked over to help the young elf but before he could reach her she began to run again.

Yeolarn was suddenly struck with a sense of dread and prayed to Tunare to know the cause. Tunare usually would answer him quickly but today he could sense a hesitation in her voice as she spoke to his soul. "Something is amiss, find Edarea, QUICKLY!"

With that Yeolarn dropped the basket with the rare herbs and dropped his traveling pack and ran quickly towards the ravine that leads into the Greater Faydark.

Edarea heard in her head, "RUN CHILD!" and knew it was Tunare. But why would she speak to one so unimportant Edarea did not know. Edarea spied the wizard spires in the distance and knew she approached the entrance into Lesser Faydark. But then something seemed to grab her feet; Edarea would have fallen had not a gust of wind knocked her hard backwards and thus keeping her upright.

Then with unknown terror Edarea noticed she was sinking into the earth and as she tried to call out for help she could feel and hear the wind rushing by and knew no one would hear her this day. So Edarea said a short prayer to Tunare for she felt she was about to die and wanted to be at total peace when it happened.


Kalesta felt something in her chest; a sharp pain and she paused and winced for just a second. Something was amiss, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Kalesta wondered into lab and called for some food and wine to be brought. The nightmare from last night still fresh in her mind, she decided to venture to the realm of Norrath after eating.

Kalesta never finished eating, something urgent and fevered assailed itself upon Kalesta and she leapt to her feet and raced to the portal that led to the hall of the Ancienne. Soon as Kalesta stepped through it she knew something was wrong. There was nobody in the hall, which was odd in itself, but everything seemed to be dead and pale. Then she heard it, a name that bite into her very soul, and she knew someone was going to pay.


Edarea awoke to the shriek of something tortured and in agony. Terror seized her heart as she heard an agonized scream that seemed to come from everywhere around her. Another sound caught Edarea's attention, it sounded like some one speaking, even though she couldn't understand what they were saying, she did recognize the dialect and with a deep breath she set off in the direction of the voice.


Kalesta wandered around the 'dead' hall and finally made her way to the exit, upon exiting the hall she found herself in a blackness that was like nothing she had ever seen. But she sensed the approach of something, something that was causing pain to strike her heart.


Edarea could see a figure in the distance and it looked to her to be elven. As she drew nearer she noticed it was one of the Tier'Dal. Panic and anger flared into Edarea's mind and then a nagging thought hit her and she couldn't ignore it. This Tier'Dal seems to be confused by the way she is moving, maybe there is something else going on her. Edarea whispered a small prayer of protection to Tunare, no magic came from it but it helped make her feel better anyway.


Across the realm of Norrath something unexpected happened, many didn't even notice it, but some did. Naruut Shadowmage was locked in a life and death fight with a stubborn sand giant when suddenly his elemental was gone. The sand giant itself even paused, the pet hadn't been banished, it had simply disappeared. Naruut recovered quicker than the giant and managed to portal away to safety. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELLS IS GOING ON!!!???" he could be heard cursing by many. Naruut and many other practitioners of the mage arts were without elemental servants / guards / everything. They had simply all vanished.


Kalesta noticed the figure walking towards her and something in the back of her mind was screaming that this individual approaching was an abomination to all that Innoruuk teaches. Once Kalesta recognized the figure as a high elf she immediately wanted to attack but she hesitated for a moment and then the high elf spoke.


The dark elf ahead of Edarea had noticed her approach and she seemed to tense up like she was preparing to strike. "What a foolish thing to do," thought Edarea. But as she came closer to the dark elf she noticed that she paused. And there was something 'familiar' about this particular dark elf.

"Greetings and Tunare's blessings upon you fellow traveler," said Edarea with a broad smile.

"TUNARE!!! Are you or that bitch responsible for my being here?" fumed Kalesta.

"I am not responsible dark elf, and I would refrain from cursing my god if I were you," growled Edarea.

Kalesta erupted into a maniacal cackling; she knew that this little high elf before her would die in a matter of seconds if she could touch her power. Furthermore, she obviously is a servant of Tunare, yet another reason for Kalesta to want her dead.

Edarea thought maybe she could make a motion of good faith; she removed the hammer that was strapped to her hip and laid it on the ground before Kalesta. This was a foolish and ultimately fatal mistake. Kalesta could not believe the stupidity of this Tunare loving high elf, she reached down and picked up the hammer and acted like she was studying it and smiled (through grit teeth) at the high elf and said, "I recognize your desire for a peaceful meeting," said Kalesta flatly.

"Let us embrace and find out what is going on here," said Kalesta with as much 'sincerity' as she could fake.

Edarea was taken back by the response from this dark elf; most dark elves that Edarea had met or heard about were a mean nasty sort. "She must be scared like I am," thought Edarea.

"Yes, let us embrace and find out what is going on together," stated Edarea happily.

As the two elves embraced Kalesta pulled a small throwing dagger from her robe sleeve and plunged it into the base of Edarea's skull. The high elf let out a sharp squeak before collapsing onto the floor at Kalesta's feet. At that moment something happened that Kalesta didn't expect; a sharp pain, almost like a stab wound, hit Kalesta in the chest. She let out a scream of agony that was almost as horrid as the one that she had heard upon entering the hall just an hour ago. Edarea's body glowed and then a bolt of light shot out from Edarea's corpse and struck Kalesta in the chest.

Kalesta staggered and then the pain was gone, the corpse of the high elf still laid at her feet, a small crimson pool forming around her head. An evil, sadistic grin crossed Kalesta's face, "I feel more alive then I have in over a hundred years," Kalesta thought to herself.

A blast of air came out of nowhere and knocked Kalesta from her feet, and as she started to stand back up another blast took her in the legs, almost like a club. Kalesta fell forward onto all fours, almost like an initiate kneeling before the alter of Innoruuk.

"We meet again BITCH!" came a voice of gravel.

Kalesta looked up to see the Earth Lord striding out of the darkness towards her. "Time has come to pay for you insolence mortal," said a voice of dry raspy leaves. Behind Kalesta approached the Fire Lord and to the sides Kalesta now noticed the other two elemental lords, Water and Air. The darkness that had been so engulfing before seemed to recede and Kalesta found herself standing literally on a plane of water, then the plane became a bed of air, then a hard rock floor, and finally a giant pool of lava.

Kalesta knew then that she was in place where the elemental lords had complete control of everything. Kalesta should have been afraid but she wasn't, but there was still something about the agonized scream that echoed out every now and then that unsettled her.

"You have caused us a great deal of displeasure dark elf," said the Earth Lord. "We have had to expend more energy and power than you can comprehend to not only bring you hear but to bring that high elf here as well. Do you not yet know where you are? You are in the Realm beyond the touch of your master; you are in the land of the dead. But we did not bring you hear to die, maybe, but we have brought you here to reconsider and become our agent.

This time we shall not ALLOW you to share you allegiance with Innoruuk. You must worship us and hold us as you now hold Innoruuk. We will be your Masters or you will die and that will take thousands of years." Stated the Earth Lord very snidely.

Kalesta turned this over in her mind, she knew they couldn't read her mind or force her to do anything due to Innoruuk's protection, but she didn't know if this protection would hold true where they were now due to the fact she couldn't even cause a simple spark to come into being. Kalesta decided to try something, she forcefully projected towards the Water Lord with her mind, "Who do these THINGS think they are?!?"

Kalesta's answer was sharp and quick, the Air Lord seized her in a whirlwind and began to crush her body, and she could taste blood. Then they released her and Kalesta fell to the 'ground' with a jarring thump, she was sure she had just broken several fingers and probably cracked or broken a rib in the fall. Kalesta decided to try phase two of her little test, if this failed they would most certainly kill her.

Deep in the recesses of her mind she said a small little prayer to Innoruuk that went like this, "My Lord Innoruuk, I send you this prayer in hopes you receive it, if I am not dead within a matter of seconds then I shall know that these impudent "Lords" can not read my deep mind and I shall fuel my hatred and bring glory to you." Kalesta waited for the Elemental Lords to react, the Water Lord walked over to Kalesta where she lay and picked her up by the throat. Kalesta figured this was the end.
Uggrax - Troll Mauler / Eater of Many Things
Kelathor - Druid of Silvannus
Jnar - Barbarian Conjurer [Order of the Wyrm (1st Edition)]

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