Kiyen Ken'ai - A Khanjari Tale

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Kiyen Ken'ai - A Khanjari Tale

Postby Kaede » Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:09 pm


These words echoed loudly in Kiyen’s thoughts.


His heart paced wildly, his head throbbed feverously, and he quivered uncontrollably with excitement.


His eyes flew open and quickly focused on his adversary. The wide grin on his face must have made him look strangely psychotic.

Everything was situated perfectly as planned. His long scarf was flowing gallantly against the wind. The sun was setting directly behind him so that he would appear as a silhouette amid a beautiful, fiery sky. His form, long practiced to complete stylishness, highlighted his magnificent figure and awesome technique. He wasn’t sure, but if he were lucky, the sun would be glinting off the weapons he wielded so that they would seem like blades of light.

His opponent, therefore, was as disadvantaged as possible. Her long hair kept flying in sight of her eyes. The setting sun was still in her direct view and caused her to squint. In addition to the intimidation she must have felt beholding his majestic pose, there was no way he could lose.

Finally, unable to contain his excitement any further, Kiyen let out a battle cry as he burst from his position, dashing across the grassy field towards her.

“I am invincible!” he yelled as he ran with both weapons elegantly raised. With as much swiftness as he could gather he leapt towards her, thrusting both weapons forward.

“Not again…” was his final thought before he landed unconscious on the ground.

* * * * *

WHAP! The sharp pain in his left cheek recalled Kiyen from unconsciousness. WHAP! His ears rang loudly and now his right cheek was burning from a stinging pain.

“Dumbass, wake up!” scoffed the young man kneeling over him.

Kiyen weakly held his hands up to absorb any future blows, then realizing there would be none, slowly sat up. He held his head, attempting to calm the ringing and to gather his thoughts. It was night now and getting quite cold. After a few moments, he remembered what had happened.

“Damnit, you didn’t have to hit me…” muttered Kiyen, still rubbing his head.

“After witnessing such a performance from you, be thankful that I didn’t just end your misery.” was Reyen’s reply. “I’m building a fire. We’ll camp here for tonight.” Reyen stood up and started busying himself with the task. He muttered, just loudly enough so that Kiyen could hear, “And this is the prized son the clan entrusted the blade to, huh?”

“The blade!” Kiyen’s eyes flashed, and he jumped up, frantically looking around. “Ah!” he exclaimed as he found the sheathed weapon beside on him resting on a length of cloth. Letting out a sigh of relief, Kiyen clumsily slid back to the ground and resumed holding his head.

Ignoring Reyen’s activities and sarcastic mutterings, he replayed the fight in his mind. Everything had been set up perfectly. Yet he had lost. His pose was excellent. Yet he had lost. Was he not as cool as he had pictured himself? No, Kiyen reassured himself, he was definitely cool. Then how could he have lost for the fourth time against her?

The fire was up and blazing. Reyen sat down next to Kiyen and held out some wrapped food.

Kiyen grudgingly accepted and unwrapped the sandwich. Taking a small bite, he mumbled out loud, “How could I have lost?”

This was the opportunity Reyen had been waiting for. “I’ll tell you, Kiy. You again focused on yourself and ignored your opponent. Did you hear me? You ignored your opponent. You were overconfident. And don’t think I didn’t see that stupid grin on your face. You weren’t taking it seriously. You were trying to have fun, weren’t you?”

“No, not really…” was Kiyen’s reply.

“It’s really quite confusing, you know.” Reyen stood up and started pacing around the fire. “Really, I can’t believe the elders thought you were capable enough to accomplish the mission. If only they could see you now. What a fool you looked that fight.”

Ignoring Reyen’s comments, Kiyen repeated, “How could I have lost?”

Reyen rolled his eyes as he responded. “True, how could you have lost? You and her trained together for years. You were always acknowledged as the better. And yet you lost. And then you lost again. And again. And now again. Why is that? You tell me.”

Kiyen shook his head negatively. “I don’t understand it. I just don’t know.”

Reyen’s tone switched to sarcasm again. “Don’t tell me that you’re in love with her now, are you? Because that would be quite fitting. A fool and a thief, you two would deserve each other.”

“Shut up, Rey.” He took another bite of the sandwich before throwing the rest into the fire. His hand strayed to the long sheath that bore the legendary blade. It was cool to the touch and eased his mind slightly. Gently lifting up the weapon, he slid half of it out and gazed at his reflection on the keen blade.

Reyen was correct in his statement. He had always been better than her in both combat and stealth. And yet he could not defeat her now. They were of the same clan, had the same master, and underwent the same training. Yet he always had the superior skills. While she was now armed with the Crimson Wind, he was sent after her with its sister blade. Aside from the evil in her heart, what factor was it that separated them so greatly now?

Reyen, who had not stopped talking since, was becoming agitated. “And they choose you to give the blade to? You, Kiy? I know that I’m not of the main family, but have I not clearly shown myself as capable a fighter as anyone else? Have I not surpassed Master Lesen just as you have? Have I not proved my courage and wit many times on all the missions? Tell me, Kiy.”

“That’s enough, Rey.” Kiyen stated firmly. “No one doubts you. That’s why you too were entrusted on this mission.”

“As your assistant!” Reyen’s tone now clearly displayed his anger. “Four times. Four times you’ve shamed us with your failures. Notice how she leaves you alive each time? She mocks us so. She’s telling us that we’re insignificant. That we are toys for her amusement. She loves the attention and believes that we are not threats because you have proven it to be so four times!”

Kiyen did not respond. Reyen’s assessment was probably true. He slid the legendary blade back into the sheath and attached it to a strap on the back of his suit.

For several minutes neither spoke. Both knew where the conversation was headed. Finally, Reyen broke the silence. “Kiyen, I deem you unable to fulfill our mission. For the honor of the Ken’ai, I challenge you for ownership of the Fell Sky.”

Kiyen made no reply.

“Again she left you with no real wounds. Rest well tonight, Kiy. We’ll fight at dawn.” With that, Reyen turned away and headed off into the darkness.

* * * * *

Kiyen sat perched on a low branch of a nearby evergreen and scanned the environment. He had lost sight of Reyen and couldn’t find traces of his movement, yet he was sure that his own location was compromised. He closed his eyes and calmed himself, attempting to become aware of his surroundings. For what seemed like eternality he maintained his position, filtering out the rustlings of the leaves, the noises of the insects, and the chirping of birds. Off in the distance he could hear the morning chants of some druid.

Suddenly there was a loud rustling in the branches immediately above him. Kiyen lept down to the ground, both blades drawn. At that instant, from behind, what seemed like an overgrown fern lunged forward. Kiyen spun around as fast as he could but it was too late; the fern performed an acrobatic maneuver and swept his legs, sending Kiyen face first into the dirt.

The disguise fell apart and Reyen stood above him holding a long stiletto to Kiyen’s throat. “You’ve lost.”

Kiyen slowly turned around to lie on his back and stared toward the sky. Reyen sheathed his stilettos and leaned up against the tree. “It seems to me that you’ve lost confidence in your abilities after so many losses to her. There’s no alternative but for me to take on the lead. Even you must understand that, Kiy?”

Kiyen was quiet for a moment before finally chuckling and sitting up. “I didn’t even suspect the fern. Nice, Rey.” Kiyen stabbed both of his blades into the dirt and stood up to dust himself off. He stretched and attempted to loosen himself up from all the previous tension. Slowly he removed the sheathed blade from his back. This loss had ultimately proven that he was unworthy of bearing such a weapon. With his head slightly bowed and eyes shut tight, he presented the legendary blade to Reyen.

Reyen he felt a sudden change within his own body as he took the weapon. As if an enormous surge of energy had entered him, his body tensed up and was eager for action. His head was buzzing, his heart thundering, and his breathing becoming fast and erratic. He felt completely in tune with his surroundings. He could sense everything; but above all, he felt his own presence as a dominant force among the environs. His lips curled up to a wry smile that soon broke into a wide grin. And for the first time in his life, he cackled out loud in complete bliss.

“What power!” he bellowed, still laughing uncontrollably.

Kiyen took a step back, shocked at the sudden change over his companion. “Rey…”

Reyen seemed preoccupied with the blade. Drawing it forth from its sheath, he held it up towards the sky, beaming with joy. “Such incredible supremacy! Its amazing Kiy!” Reyen twirled the blade and stabbed with lightning speed at several imaginary targets. With another astonishingly high-speed spin, he thrust the blade into the trunk of the tree behind him, and amazingly the tree started to split and collapse!

“Fell Sky… the power is mine!” Reyen roared as the tall tree came crashing down to the ground.

Kiyen had jumped several feet back and was now crouching, cautiously observing his partner. He knew the blade instilled a sense of immense power that differed for each user, but Reyen’s behavior was even more abnormal than expected. Kiyen gulped and attempted to calm Reyen down. “Rey…”

“And what power is that?” interrupted a loud and clear voice from above. From the high branches of an adjacent tree, a woman clad completely in tight, jet-black leather jumped to the ground a couple dozen feet away. Her frame was slender but seemed quite lithe. Her hair was long, silky, and of a gorgeous black color. She turned to face them and beamed a mischievously seductive smile.

“So, you’re still around!” Reyen exclaimed. He turned to face her directly and flashed a near-insane grin. “Excellent! Excellent! Today, I, Reyen of Ken’ai, shall restore the honor of the clan and defeat you!”

“Oh, really now?” she replied playfully. She surveyed Reyen briefly, then looked to Kiyen. Their eyes met and she winked. This brought Kiyen out of his daze and he quickly jumped several feet further back as to not interfere.

“I am going to enjoy taking you apart! Prepare yourself! There will be no quarter!” Reyen declared. Wielding the Fell Sky with his left hand, he drew out a long stiletto with his right. Assuming an offensive battle stance, Reyen started to focus his energy. “I am invincible...” Reyen chanted as he readied his mindset. Wispy tendrils began to emerge from the legendary blade and flowed around him. Soon he was engulfed completely in a blazing, hot-purple aura.

His heart was beating so quickly now that his whole body trembled nearly to convulsions. His body yearned to explode into action and he knew there was no limit to his capability. Indeed, there was no doubt in Reyen’s mind: he was undefeatable.

With superhuman speed, Reyen darted towards her, completely entranced by the battle fury the legendary blade provided. “DIE!!!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. Yet in a flash, his foe, moving faster than the eye could keep up with, vanished from sight!

At least a dozen streaks of crimson fire slashed across all parts of Reyen’s body within the frame of seconds. She blurred back into view, ducking and swinging viciously at Reyen’s completely exposed side. A deafening BOOOOOOM emanated from her blade as it struck hard into his gut, generating such an enormous amount of force that Reyen was sent flying back, skidding uncontrollably along the ground and then finally colliding into the base of a tree.

The blood-red aura surrounding her gradually dissipated as she recovered from her ferocious frenzy. Her opponent remained a bloody, crumpled mess under the tree, his face frozen with an expression of absolute horror.

“… How?” Kiyen gasped, finally having an opportunity to witness her capabilities now that he wasn’t on the receiving end.

“It greatly amuses me that a year after you’ve received the blade, you still don’t completely understand how it works. To be expected from the imbeciles that run Ken’ai.” She sheathed her weapon and started to walk away. “Unfortunately, you will never be able to unlock its true power. You may have been the better in the past, but you will never be able to surpass me now.”

“Then why?” choked Kiyen, fighting back the tears for his former companion. “Why do you always leave me alive? Why don’t you ever just take the Fell Sky from me?”

She didn’t even turn to look at him as she gave her cold reply. “Do what little you can to grow stronger and come after me again. You are my only entertainment, after all.”

With that she walked away, soon disappearing from sight within the forest.

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