ShadowStalker - Treachery's Poisoned Blade (Part I)

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ShadowStalker - Treachery's Poisoned Blade (Part I)

Postby Nilan » Sat Aug 18, 2001 8:28 pm

ShadowStalker - Treachery's Poisoned Blade

"Barkeep, another round of ale for my men, if you will," shouted a middle aged man seated at the head of a long table in the center of the Flaming Dragon Tavern. The men seated around it raised their tankards and boisterous hoots and cheers erupted drowning out all other conversation within the establishment. They all wore the standard guard's tabard and armor, but each breastplate was adorned with a golden lance marking them as guards of Lord Piergieron's elite hand picked security force.

"Comin' right up Commander Garthus, sir," called the barkeep as he motioned for two serving girls to attended the important table. The serving girls scurried about the table carrying pitchers of ale and trays containing sweetbread and cheese. In any other tavern in the city of Waterdeep, this entourage would have been the focus of stares from every patron within the establishment, but the Flaming Dragon was home to Lord Piergieron's men and their presence virtually went unnoticed. Unnoticed to everyone but a lone man seated within the far shadows of the room.

Nilan's black orbs flickered in the torchlight of the crowded bar. He slowly nursed his tankard of ale, his gaze riveted on the man known as Commander Garthus. A week had gone by, and each night found Nilan at the very same shadowed table, a tankard of ale gripped tightly in his hands. Downing the rest of his ale in one gulp, Nilan groaned in disgust. Kang had ordered him to eliminate several rival merchants in the warehouse district, but Nilan had yet to carry out the executions. He took his primary orders from House Al'Shadrazaar, and they had plans for Commander Garthus. The assassination of Commander Garthus would throw the Paladin Order into a panic. House Al'Shadrazaar would further tighten its grip upon the surface, moving more of its "emissaries" into positions of power while the "Lord and law" stood unawares. But tonight, Garthus was surrounded by his men. The assassination would have to wait.

Nilan's knuckles grew white and he slammed the tankard down on the wooden table. Had the bar not been bustling with noisy patrons, the sound would have caused several heads to turn in his direction. As it was, only one of the serving girls paid him any attention, and she quickly hurried away when he cast a baleful look in her direction. Rising to his feet, Nilan pulled his black cloak around his lean muscular frame. He was careful to conceal the numerous daggers upon his person before leaving his table. And then as silently as he had entered the tavern, Nilan flitted through the shadows and exited the Flaming Dragon.

The chill of the night air felt exhilarating and Nilan slowly made his way through the twists and turns in the alleys of southern Waterdeep that had become his home for the past several years. He thought back to the day he had first entered this cursed human town. House Al'Shadrazaar had sent their finest assassin to secure its holdings on the surface world. Nilan, a master of disguise and shadows, had been their logical choice. Armed with a multitude of magical devices including one that could alter his appearance with but a thought, Nilan had made his way to the surface to set out upon his important mission. Numerous city officials had found death on the end of his poisoned dagger. In that time, the holdings of House Al'Shadrazaar had grown, netting the surface world like a fly in a spider's web.

Nilan drew his cloak tighter around his body and shuddered involuntarily. His keen eyes darted in and out of the shadows searching for the slightest movement. Death lurked everywhere here, but most often came in the form of a dagger thrust between the shoulder blades by a greedy guildmate desiring personal advancement. Years had passed, times had changed, and Nilan, now a Lieutenant in the Guild, strode confidently down the center of the roadway. He knew they were watching him. He knew their dark murderous thoughts as well as he knew his own. Nilan also knew that they were well aware that should they even try to make those thoughts a reality that they'd be dead before the blade ever left their hands. A smug grin crept across Nilan's face as he stalked towards Kang's Tavern, secret home to Waterdeep's Assassin's Guild. He paused momentarily and focused his thoughts to concentrate hard upon the human form he had chosen as his disguise many years ago. Snickering to himself, he eyed the silver necklace he wore around his neck. A gift from the High Magi of his House, it had allowed his identity to go undiscovered for many years. "Kang, you bastard, if you only knew what treachery lies within your pathetic guild." Nilan spat at the ground in disgust. "Pitiful human dog." He sneered.

Nilan entered the tavern and made his way through the crowd as quickly as he could. A few of the assassins regarded his presence with disdain as Nilan hurriedly brushed past their tables and sauntered toward the rear door. He quickly exited the boisterous tavern and made his way to a winding staircase that led to the upper levels housing his room within the guildhall. As Nilan ascended the stairs he became aware of two assassins following him from a slight distance behind. Glancing back toward the pair he recognized them as Kang's personal bodyguards. Both men grinned evilly, nodded and stopped. Nilan eyed the two suspiciously before climbing the remaining stairs. He took the turn in the corridor toward his room and heard the familiar footsteps echo behind him once again. Spinning abruptly, Nilan glared at the two guards.

"You're followin' me, that much is obvious," Nilan growled in exasperation. "State your business, I'm in no mood for games this evenin'."

"Then per'aps ya shouldn't play 'em," the dark-haired bodyguard snarled. "Kang demands yer presence, Lieutenant." He let the final word drip off his tongue, laced with sarcasm.

Nilan shuddered at the Guildmaster's name. He painfully recalled his numerous meetings with Kang. Each time the Guildmaster had beaten him badly. Each time Nilan had been forced to concentrate on the magical necklace that allowed him to maintain his human form. He hated the man with all his heart. Nilan felt his hands shake and he quickly thrust them within the folds of his cloak. The guards snickered at the discomfort caused by the mere mention of the Guildmaster's name.

"Makes ya nervous, don't he Lieutenant?" grinned the other guard. "Mebbe ya got somethin' yer hidin, or mebbe ya just can't do a simple job the Master requested?"

Nilan's black orbs narrowed suddenly.

"Ahhh, so I'm right then, eh Lieutenant?" the guard continued, his wicked grin now spreading entirely across his breaded face.

Nilan ignored the comment, turned and headed towards his room. "Tomorrow, I'll see him tomorrow" Nilan said and dismissed the guards with a wave of his hand.

"Ya gonna see 'im now, Lieutenant!" the dark-haired guard roared, stopping Nilan in his tracks.

Nilan whirled, glaring at the two guards standing before him. His fingers closed around the hilt of his stiletto but stopped abruptly as his gaze immediately fell upon two loaded hand-held crossbows. One was aimed at his gut, and the other was expertly trained on his lung just below his heart. Nilan knew each would kill but only after he suffered for some time in excruciating agony.

"Ya move, I promise ya, we will kill ya." The dark-haired guard growled.

Nilan knew the man would make good on the threat and forced himself to hold perfectly still. His cold piercing gaze remained fixed on Kang's bodyguard. He wanted nothing more than to run his stiletto across the man's unprotected throat.

"Get 'is weapons, quickly" the guard motioned toward his comrade all the while locking his eyes with the deadly assassin before him.

His weapons seized, Nilan was led through the dark corridor to stand before a set of elaborately carved double doors. The mere sight of the Guildmaster's chambers made Nilan's skin crawl. Two guards at their post on either side of the huge doors snickered at Nilan's approach.

"No need to announce us, Kang knows," the dark-haired bodyguard stated.

"Yes sir" replied the door-guard. He cast Nilan a sadistic grin. "The Master's been itchin' to get 'is hands on this one all day."

Nilan clenched his fists tightly. He glared defiantly, willing his thoughts to hold his human form throughout yet another ordeal with the Guild Master. The guards chuckled evilly and pulled the double doors open. Nilan felt his muscles tense as the stale odor of death filtered from Kang's Chambers. With a show of bravery, Nilan strode into the room as confident as he could make himself appear.

"Leave us," roared a malevolent voice coming from the far corner of the shadowed room.

Nilan shuddered as he heard the door clang shut and lock behind him.

"Well, well, whadda we have 'ere?" Kang growled as he emerged from the shadows. His baleful gaze pierced the very core of Nilan's being. Nilan stood obediently before the Guildmaster and spoke not a word. He kept his gaze fixed upon Kang's wicked visage and his thoughts centered upon his magical necklace.

"If it ain't my Lieutenant," Kang sneered sarcastically. He stalked to within a few feet of Nilan's frozen form. "My Lieutenant, who can't seem ta take out a simple, weak, good-fo'-nothin' merchant."

Nilan felt Kang's gaze bore into him, and he forced himself to hold his own rigid stance without lowering his eyes. Kang shook his head and encircled Nilan, slowly, deliberately, much like a snake sizing up his prey before moving in for the kill. Nilan shut his eyes tightly feeling Kang's piercing gaze run up the back of his spine.

"I been askin' myself fo' a week now. I say, 'why is it that my Lieutenant can't seem ta kill this pathetic bastard?' …why?" Kang paused and pulled a dagger from a leather sheath fastened across his chest. The sound of metal scrapping slowly against the rigid leather caused Nilan to cautiously open his eyes. Kang snickered evilly and placed the tip of the dagger against Nilan's throat just below his right ear. Nilan flinched at the touch of the cold steel against his flesh. Every muscle in his body tensed involuntarily.
"I can't seem ta find the answer," Kang continued as he walked around Nilan, slowly dragging the tip of the dagger across Nilan's throat. "P'raps my Lieutenant's afraid? P'raps he just don't have whaddit takes no more?" Kang stopped abruptly, coming full circle, and glared malevolently into Nilan's dark eyes. "Or p'raps…" Kang growled pushing the tip of the dagger into the center of Nilan's throat, forcing the assassin's head back in order to keep the blade from plunging into his neck. "P'raps ye just don't like servin' me no more." Kang pressed the blade against Nilan's flesh, piercing the skin and drawing a thin line of blood. Nilan clenched his teeth in pain. He wanted to nothing more than feel the bones in Kang's neck snap in his bare hands. Kang grinned wickedly as he watched a drop of blood run down the blade of his cruel dagger. "Well, what's it gonna be, Lieutenant?"

Nilan felt the droplets of warm blood slowly trickle along his throat, down his chest and over the magical necklace that held his human form. The muscles in his neck ached but he fought to keep his head tilted back and away from the deadly blade. Kang snickered at Nilan's discomfort, but made no effort to lower his dagger.

"Tell me," Kang growled in disgust, "why this merchant thug still breathes!!!!!" He pressed the tip of the blade further into Nilan's throat eliciting a low moan from the younger assassin.

Nilan glared defiantly into the eyes of the sadistic murderer but refused to answer the question posed to him. His years spent in the matriarchal society of his homeland had taught him discipline. He only hoped he could focus his thoughts on his human form and not the pain he was sure to receive at the hands of this vile man.

Kang's eyes narrowed and he lowered the blade. "Speak!!!!!" the Guildmaster roared angrily, his booming voice vibrating through the very walls of the chamber.

Nilan thought back to the beatings he had received from his sisters and house priestesses. Brutally efficient, the priestesses of House Al'Shadrazaar delighted in torturing the lesser males of the House. Nilan recalled the torment vividly. As a child he had learned to channel his thoughts away from pain, away from the hurt and the agony. He only hoped he could do that once again so that his human form would be maintained. Nilan closed his eyes and slowly lowered his head just as Kang's backhand tore into the side of his face. The force of the blow lifted him off his feet and sent him sprawling heavily into the double doors behind him. Nilan gasped as the breath was driven from his lungs upon impact with the solid wood, and then sank to the ground in a crumpled heap. Pain exploded within him but Nilan held his thoughts, refusing to let the agony take control of him.

"Stand up, ye worthless sewer scum!" Kang screamed, his face now growing a deep shade of purple. "I got many promisin' young students 'd like nothin' more'n to take yer place as one o' my Lieutenants. P'raps I should let 'em, seein' as ye can't seem ta handle it." Kang continued. "Maybe I'll give ye a contract more fittin' yer station, ShadowStalker," he spat the words in obvious disgust. "P'raps ye can rough up drunks fo' their protection money, or panhandle in the street."

Nilan staggered to his feet, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. Kang closed in on him and gripped the front of Nilan's black leather tunic dragging him to stand before him once again. Nilan swayed unsteadily still dazed from the backhand he had received.

"I made ye, ShadowStalker. Yer mine! Ye understan' me?" Kang bellowed. "Yer skills, yer rank, yer very life are yers only because I gave 'em to ye!" Kang tightened his grip on the front of Nilan's tunic and growled malevolently, "Ye disappoint me, assassin." He slammed Nilan hard against the wooden wall and continued to berate his Lieutenant while still maintaining a solid hold on Nilan's slumping form. "Ye weak little fool." Kang sneered in contempt, shoving Nilan roughly against the wall to emphasize each degrading word.

Nilan groaned as his body collided heavily into the wall. Each force of the impact stole his breath, and he gasped and sputtered for air. His shoulder ached and a throbbing pain ran up the side of his body. Desperately, Nilan struggled in Kang's grasp, but he couldn't break free of the Guildmaster's vice like grip. Kang sneered down at Nilan's dazed and battered form, ending his struggles with a stinging backhand. Nilan reeled from the blow and slumped in the iron grip of his demonic tormentor. Nilan fought desperately to cling to consciousness. He knew that should darkness take him, his disguise would be no more, revealing to all his true form. He knew that if that occurred he'd never wake again. Nilan stirred and moaned softly, his eyelids cautiously flickering open. Kang forced Nilan to look him in the eye, and then with crushing force, drove the young assassins's head back against the wooden wall. "Ye make me sick!!!!" Kang shrieked and loosened his grip on Nilan's limp form.

Nilan felt the impact and saw a flash of white light explode behind his eyes as he slowly slid down the wall to collapse at Kang's feet. He groaned weakly, fighting against the darkness that washed over him. His head felt like it was going to explode and he strained to get his eyes to focus on anything at all. Through blurred vision he saw Kang's black steel boots. He heard the malevolent man slowly back away. Dizziness assaulted him in waves and he closed his eyes tightly fighting back the intense nausea. His body ached all over, and his head pounded mercilessly.

"Guards!" Kang called aloud, waiting impatiently as the bodyguards unlocked the double doors and entered the chamber. "Take 'im to 'is room, he's gonna need 'is rest," he ordered. The bearded bodyguard grabbed Nilan tightly, hoisting him up, in order to better support his weight. "He's gotta big night ahead of 'im tamorrow. Could be 'is last." Kang laughed with derision.

Nilan looked up at Kang and glared defiantly, intense hatred building within him as the bodyguards half carried and half dragged him out of Kang's chambers. The guards shoved Nilan onto his pallet and exited the room, slamming the door behind them.
Anger erupted from within him, and Nilan let out a scream of rage and frustration. He allowed his mind to purge itself of his human form. Looking into the mirror within his bedroom, he smiled as his hair once again took on its stark white luster. His skin returned to its radiant inky black color and his eyes flickered in the candlelight. Nilan dabbed at the blood that trickled from his lip and snickered. Tomorrow I will kill Commander Garthus, he thought to himself. Kang will be blamed for the murder of Lord Piergieron's most holy Paladin. The Guild Master and its members will be hunted to extermination by the Lord and Law of Waterdeep. And House Al'Shadrazaar will virtually walk unnoticed into the so-called City of Splendors in the ensuing chaos to control it from within. My mission here will be completed after all these many years. Nilan forced a smile and sank back onto the soft blankets drifting off to sleep.


Kang chuckled to himself as he heard the guards dragging the battered and degraded man back to his room within the guildhall. A tall muscular figure emerged from a shadowed curtain in the far corner of Kang's chambers. Clad in black leathers, a score of daggers fastened upon his person, the silent figure slithered across the floor to stand a few feet behind the Guildmaster.

"Ye heard everythin', Marcus." Kang said turning to face the assassin.

"Everything, sir" Marcus replied, a small grin creeping over his scruffy face.

Kang caught the man's grin and arched his eyebrows. "Ye got somethin' to say Marcus? Speak."

"Well sir, if I may. The man is dangerous. He has no loyalties other than to himself. He despises you. That much is obvious. He---"

"He fears me!" Kang roared.

"For now, sir," Marcus continued, still maintaining his even tone.

Laughter poured from Kang's lips. "Don't concern yerself with that, Marcus. When the time comes and Nilan is of no more use to me, he'll die most horribly." Kang snickered twirling the dagger stained with Nilan's blood.

"Of course, my master." Marcus gave a low bow. "Why have you called me here then, if not to kill the man?"

Kang didn't miss the look of disappointment that flashed briefly across the assassin's face. "Heh, kill 'im? Bah, if I wanted 'im dead I'd a torn 'im to pieces just now. No, I don't want 'im dead…not yet. I can still use 'im. As irritatin' as he is, the man's as skilled as any one o' my top notch killers." Kang shot Marcus a warning glare, "Ye'd better 'member that, Marcus."

"But of course, sir" Marcus said humbly.

"Tamorrow night, see that Nilan assassinates this bloody merchant," Kang continued. "I want ye ta follow 'im. See he makes the kill."

"And if he doesn't?" Marcus's eyes flashed with excitement, his hand stroking the curved dagger at his waist.

Kang's eyes narrowed, "If he don't, yer ta report straight ta me. Stay outta it, Marcus. Ye understan' me?" Marcus shifted his stance uncomfortably. Kang gripped the man by the tunic and hauled him off his feet. "I said, ye understan' me?" Kang roared.

"Yes sir, completely sir," Marcus stammered.

"Good," Kang grinned wickedly and loosened his grip on Marcus's tunic. "If he fails, I'll kill 'im myself…slowly. I wanna look in 'is eyes. I wanna see the light fade from 'em. I wanna be the last person he sees before I send 'im to hell." Kang threw his head back and cackled maniacally.

Marcus snickered, "It shall be done, my master."

"Yer dismissed Marcus," Kang stated. "P'raps one day ye'll be one o' my Lieutenants. Ye show some promise. Don't fail me and ye may live that long."

Marcus turned and exited the Guildmaster's chambers. His heart raced with excitement. He strode down the corridor and stopped abruptly outside of Nilan's chambers. Pressing his ear to the door he could make out the soft steady breathing of the sleeping man within. A wicked grin spread across his face. "Soon you'll sleep an eternal slumber, Lieutenant." Marcus whispered softly. "I'll have your bloody heart and your rank." Marcus fingered the wicked curved blade at his waist. He chuckled sadistically and then proceeded down the hallway to his room to prepare for tomorrow's victory.

Last edited by Nilan on Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Korin » Fri Mar 29, 2002 6:54 pm

Woot.. awesome stories Nilan.
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Postby Nilan » Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:43 am

Bumped up for you Ashod, Enjoy

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Postby Nilan » Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:22 am

Just bumping it up cause i did some editing, made it easier to read


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Postby Sonon » Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:31 pm

you should think about sending your stories into wizrds of the coast i think you are good enough to be published :D
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Postby Jhorr » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:40 am

I'm hooked. When does the next chapter come out? :)
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Postby Nilan » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:07 am


They out Jhorr, scroll down for part 2, part 3, part 4.

Thanks guys glad you all enjoy.
Its fun for me

Posts: 689
Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2001 6:01 am

Re: ShadowStalker - Treachery's Poisoned Blade (Part I)

Postby Nilan » Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:07 pm

Bumping up as someone requested a read


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