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Postby Ensis » Fri Jun 28, 2002 11:44 am

Summer, year 405

Iredescent green water gently lapped glowing white sand in the summer twilight. A bonfire roared and crackled in the salty breeze, the only sound on the island besides the whispering leaves of the great palms.

Ensis sat naked at the side of the fire, carving wood with a small sharpened stone. His skin was a dark bronze, save the jagged pink scar at the small of his back. The adolescent fuzz on his face had grown into a beard, concealing another scar, and shaggy black hair had streaks of red from days spent in the sun.

The smell of simmering crab wafted through the air, and he remembered to turn over his dinner. He stood up, chuckling to himself as he ventured to the make shift water trough made of a hollowed tree.

"Touk would've found a way to brew beer out here I'm sure."

Thoughts of all his old friends came back in flashes. It was rare that he could place a face, or a voice, or a scent, but he remembered all their names, and how he'd met them. It had been a long time, too long to remember. Suddenly his tropical paradise became as lonely as the prison barge.

He retrieved two cups of water and plodded back to the fireside. Two figures sat next to the fire talking, and Ensis tried to blink them out of existance. When they didn't move he took a few ginger steps forward, trying to get a view of their faces.

They were both elven, one male and one female. The male wore no weapon, had chestnut hair, and seemed to have a strange lilt when he spoke to the female. The female was beautiful. She had long, straw colored hair, and bright green eyes that seemed to glow in the night. They both looked up at him at the same time, and Ensis felt suddenly bashful for standing there naked, holding two cups.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he offered a half smile, and wondered if they could see him blushing in the firelight.

The male stood up, and introduced himself.

"My name is Truin Damaan, and this is my sister Lana. We were passing through the islands and saw the fire. We'd thought maybe it was the trees."

Ensis replied almost giddy, finally having someone to talk to. "Ahh Ensis, Ensis Inferni. I've been sortof stranded here for the last..I don't know how long. The ship I was on......there was a storm, and everyone was killed. I don't know how I even made it to this island. Where am I?"

A few minutes passed before either responded, and Ensis suddenly felt like he was being evaluated. Finally, Lana broke the silence. "Ensis, I think your dinner is finished."

"oh!.." He padded over to the fire and pulled the crabs off of the rocks they were simmering on. "Would you like some?..I'm sure there is plenty for the three of us."

They both looked at one another and nodded. Dinner was completely silent, and when all the crab was gone Truin produced a wineskin.

"Have you ever had elven firewine Ensis?"

The young man shook his head, but the taste of anything besides water or coconut milk made his mouth water. Truin tossed the wineskin, and Ensis drank. The taste overwhelmed him. Each sip seemed to tell him a story, almost as if the grapes history was contained in the little skin. The warmth permeated his body, and the sweet aftertaste remained when he handed the skin back.

Truin spoke up, sounding official. "You are on an island off the coast of Evermeet Ensis. The Elven Isles. It is strange that you could have been here so long without anyone taking notice, but you haven't violated any laws, nor have you encroached on our way of life. I see no reason why we shouldn't allow you to stay here."

Ensis smiled and thanked him, then realized what he had just said.

"No, I don't want to stay here. I mean.. It's beautiful yes, and Evermeet, that's quite an honor that you'd let me live so close to your island. But I don't belong here. I have pressing matters at home. My sister, my friends, haven't seen me in many years." He pleaded with them.

Truin frowned, and placed a hand on Ensis shoulder. "Are you sure they would allow you to come back? I know why you are here, I know about the prison barge, I even know about Thay."

A chill ran down Ensis' spine. " could you know about all that?"

The elf smiled again, and gave him a grandfatherly look. "Elves have a way of knowing things my friend. Come with us. Oh, and yes, we'll get you some clothes."

The three stood, and Truin removed his cloak, handing it to Ensis. "that should suffice for now."

A small sailboat was beached near the fire, and they boarded and set sail.

Ensis couldn't keep his eyes off Lana, and she smiled at him. "Have you ever been to Leuthilspar?"
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Postby Ashiwi » Fri Jun 28, 2002 1:20 pm

Get offa mah island!!!
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Postby Zen » Fri Jun 28, 2002 2:39 pm

I'll second that! Get off of's... Island!

The Lord of the Iron Wastes holds his hammer high in the air, shouting a torment... 'Weak fools!'
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Postby Snurgt » Sat Jun 29, 2002 6:54 pm

The real ending:

Ensis couldn't keep his eyes off Lana, and she smiled at him. "Have you ever been to Leuthilspar?"

Ensis quietly murmured 'No.' and felt the cold steel of an elven forged dagger slip between his ribs, into his beating heart.

'And you never will...', said Lana as she twisted the blade, never taking her eyes off of his.

Now thats the way an Ensis story goes!

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