A Wedding None Ever Thought To See

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A Wedding None Ever Thought To See

Postby Elisten » Sun Dec 30, 2001 10:51 pm

(OOC - This is rather long, but is a great story/log. For the most part, it follows the events of the evening very closely. Thanks Sylvos for logging this!)

IC - No one ever thought a Drow and a Grey would ever come to this, to fall in love and be married. In the beginning, even Nilan and I did not think this would come to pass. However, he and I have come far through many toils and now the day has come when I am proud to say that I am wife to Nilan. I will stand by his side forever more, even if all of my kin cast me aside.

For those of you who are interested, here is the account of our wedding. Thank you to those of you who attended, it means so much to Nilan and I. To those of you who were unable to attend, I know you were there, in spirit.

Elisten, wife of Nilan
High Priestess - Eternal Covenant

Fura holds the precious pearl in her hands. She then tells of its wonder: “The bioluminescence of the Gods' creation in the sunlessness of your world is your birthright. The cool sweet air washing through your hometown is your birthright. The ever-destroying, ever-creating trickle of water through the underground is your birthright. The enfolding embrace of the Earth is your birthright. Challenge, difficulty, pursuit of perfection and earning your place at the front of the pack - that is also your birthright. With these things, we charge this pearl. The glow within is nothing more, nothing less than the blessings that you bring to this place. I beseech the Spirits, the Gods, to acknowledge our efforts.” Fura bows her head, waiting; feeling the power wax and wane. As she retrieves the pearl, it is noticeable that its colour has changed somewhat, subtly.

Fura says, “Now is a time to prepare our bodies for the challenges ahead. I hadn't expected this size of wedding party, please forgive me...”

*** Off in the distance you hear the clap of thunder. ***

Rylan raises an eyebrow at the thunder rumbling and then says “Hmm.. seems a storm may be coming.”

Fura continues, “This food comes from my homeland. In the city called Griffin's Nest, the soil is worn thin by cold. Only the hardiest of plants survive there. Fortunately, they provide sufficient fodder for many beasts, which in turn provide nourishment for hunters. I hope these steaks meet with your satisfaction.” Fura hands out steaks to those around her.

Sylvos says, “From the wilds that make my home and culture, I take sustenance. This I share with the wedding party.” Sylvos hands out squirrels, rabbits, and grasshoppers, anything that a Ranger might find in the wild.

Nilan says “And now food from the Underdark.”

Sylvos fidgets restlessly, then looks out the door into the Family Room of the Farm House seeing only the farmer, sleeping in his chair.

Nilan says, “Please pass the bag around, try as you like.” Inside the bag, there is smoked cavefish.

Rylan says, “I have dome drink from a recent celebration. It is a little strong, but worthy of such an occasion!” He then gets a small barrel from his bags and passes it around.

*** Rain begins to fall on the dwelling. ***

Rylan says, “Hmm. Odd weather.” Sylvos agrees.

Elisten says, “I have bread, from the forests I love to run through, and will always return to.” Elisten passes her faerie bread to her friends.

Rylan says, “Was sunny just a few hours ago.”

Fura feels the weight of the Dreaming sitting heavily here. Sylvos whispers to Fura, “I know this is a day to celebrate, and we are almost all long lived.. but let's not dally.”

Nilan says, "The weather is odd and the silence is odd. What say you ranger?” Sylvos replies, “I say be on my toes and you enjoy yourself.”

Elisten, aware of Nilan’s unease, says, “Nothing will ruin this day, Nilan. No dark clouds, no silences, nothing.”

Fura begins, “Those of the wedding party must attend me, into the Dreaming. Rylan, Koraw, do you wish to remain here, able to see but not interact as clearly, or come with us?”

Koraw says “I go with Matron L'ytria, if she falls prey, Blaith will surely skin me for a pouch!”

Rylan also agrees, “I shall come, it is an honor to be here.”

*** The crack of thunder echoes across the land. ***

Nilan reaches for his dagger out of instinct, feeling more uneasy.

Fura says. “As a special treat, something to help us relax too, please enjoy this beverage.” She hands out Elverquisst to everyone, to relax tensions.

Nilan lets his hand relax

Nilan says, “May I toast?” Fura says, “Yes, but we must be brief.”

Sylvos whispers to Nilan, “Quickly my friend. Something is stirring.” Nilan whispers back, “Yes, I feel it also!”

Nilan says, "To my lovely bride and new friends, may we be together long!” Everyone smiles and drinks deeply from the Elverquisst.

Fura continues. “Please, settle yourself in comfortably. Together we shall enter the Dreaming.”

All attending settle quietly to a restful position, ready for this Dreaming. Fura grabs some mushrooms from her knapsack and distributes them to the gathered.

Fura says, “Your bodies will tell you what to do with the mushroom. For some, a mere lick of the mushroom will be enough to enter the Dreaming.” Fura smiles, eyes a bit unfocused.

Sylvos mutters quietly to his scimitar and nods briefly.

Fura says, “We are ready, here we go...”
Fura sings, “Spirits guide us, Gods walk with us.”

*** Crash! A burst of lightning rattles the room as the rain falls harder. ***

Sylvos rises immediately to his feet and peers around. Rylan raises an eyebrow, interested in the surrounding storm. Cerlayne peers around intently, also noticing the storm outside. Nilan fingers his dagger. Elisten becomes more alert. After several moments, all relax and give their attention to Fura.

Fura continues singing, “Carry our minds to the Dreaming.”

Sylvos holds out his scimitar as the enshrouding mists issue forth from Fura's summoning. The blade begins to glow. Fura reaches a hand to Sylvos, murmuring, "We are but spirits, sheltered in bodies of dust. Let yourself fly."

Fura holds everyone with her gaze, as the room's features become difficult to see.

All shudder slightly. Confused as to what's happening. Everyone seems to almost feel like they are floating above the floor.

Fura says, “We are entering the Dreaming. Your nightmares are here, as are the more pleasant of dreams. Be calm.” Fura stretches forth her hands, and the mist thickens there. Turning slightly, Fura faces Sylvos and hands him an object. It is an animal, but whether bird or beast or serpent isn't clear. Fura says, “Lead us, Sylvos.”

*** A tiny black spider with a golden spot on its back races across the wall and stops. It makes no threatening moves, and you get the distinct impression that it is watching. ***

Rylan raises an eyebrow. Cerlayne peers around intently. Koraw eyes the spider suspiciously. Nilan eyes the spider hoping none notice. Elisten says, “The spider will not harm anyone here.”

Fura says, “The Gods are stronger in the Dreaming. But so are we.”

Sylvos flows out of the gleaming scimitar, gazing around briefly at the gathered company. He smiles warmly at his old friend Rylan, and beams a fond smile at his son who still holds the weapon forth. Echoing hollowly, he says, “Follow where I lead, for I go to a safe place. One that is within both realms of the bride and the groom. My friends, we travel to the Undermountain.” Sylvos leads you to a Snow-Covered forest, flying through the darkened tunnels of Undermountain. The forest all around depicts a scene of solitude and serenity. Both the ground and the evergreen trees are covered with snow. The silence is deafening, as there are no birds, nor insects, nor animals about. Sylvos echoes hollowly within the mist, “Here my son was conceived as I celebrated with the love of my life, Rayj. So here too, will this love be joined by my son's chosen, Fura.”

*** Thunder again rumbles in the distance, but seems to be moving away. ***

Sylvos hands the dreaming object back to Fura, maintaining his grip upon the outstretched scimitar. Fura stands before you, waiting a moment to gather the nimbus of mist tighter.

Fura says, “I understand that there have been difficulties leading up to this moment. Mistrust, uncertainties, fears - these are but a few of the barriers which lie between the union of Elisten and Nilan. But it must be known, here and now, that these two have a shared spirit. How could this be, when he is of Lloth's children and she of Corellon's? We are all dreamspirits, creations of the Gods who are in turn creations of the One. Someone needed this union to happen. And so it shall. People will claim that this is not "usual," "common," "the way things are done." There is one important fact they are not considering.” Fura looks around fiercely, pride fully. Fura continues. “Love is not common. Not only is it rare to find love, but also each instance of love is powerful and precious and unique. That is truth above all. May the love that sparks between you continue to strengthen your relationship as you continue through this dreaming. And may the god who sought this union make his or her needs plain, that we may support them.”

Nilan says, “I have found love in a world of hate, a world of civil strife. I’ll not let it be taken from me.”

*** The rain seems to subside. ***

Fura gives a small leather purse to both Elisten and Nilan. “Within are your gifts. Cerlayne, Sylvos. A task is upon you. You have stood by this couple. Times will be hard for them as for all other couples. You will receive a token, resonating with the essence of your friend's mate. Consult it regularly, when times are difficult, for being within a relationship, one might be too close to understand the solution.”

Cerlayne says, “Their love is strong and our love shall help support them in times of need.”

Elisten gets a tiny diamond from her small leather purse and gives it to Cerlayne. Cerlayne beams a smile at Elisten. Elisten gives Cerlayne a warm embrace and smiles at her.

Nilan gets a tiny diamond from his small leather purse and gives it to Sylvos saying “Sylvos, for you. Son of a friend long dead and Abbil to me.”

Sylvos echoes hollowly, “I have a gift for the couple as well, strange though it may be, coming from a dead man. I lived my life in hatred of the Drow, for one of their priestesses sacrificed my mother in front of my very eyes. Nilan, I release my hatred of your race, and proudly declare you my friend. Be in peace, young lovers. It is a gift too precious to lose.”

Elisten smiles happily, grabbing hold of Nilan’s hand. Nilan holds her hand tightly in his own. Nilan smiles, suddenly remembering a voice from his past. Elisten says, “A gift like no other... “

Nilan says, “Sylvos my old, old friend, if you can hear me and know my thoughts, know this: I am sorry for what I did, what my people did. I honor you this day and your son as well. Until we meet again in eternity, my old friend. Angels Wings.”

Cerlayne says, “The one and only gift I can give is my vow to protect and keep Elisten safe from all who may harm her or your love for her, Nilan.” Nilan smiles at Cerlayne, thanking her.

Rylan says, “It is good to hear the voice of an old friend.. there is much of your father in you Sylvos. Do not hesitate to call on me if you, any of you, should need assistance.”

Fura strokes the unusual dream totem, gently, before handing it to Nilan. Nilan reaches out touching the enchanted blade with his black fingers. Nilan smiles at Fura, taking the totem in his hands. Fura smiles, remembering last time and understanding the difference. Fura gives Nilan a warm embrace.

Nilan says, “Friends old and new. I walk among you now, openly. With no disguise to hide my race.”

Kri'it, the drow ranger enters from the east. Everyone in the room clambers to their feet, surprised about this intrusion, surprised about who intrudes. Koraw stands protectively in front of Cerlayne, while Cerlayne stands protectively in front of Elisten. Nilan reaches for his daggers, uncertain as to the events unfolding.

Kri'it, the drow ranger leaves. Sylvos and Nilan follow. After several moments of deafening silence, Nilan and Sylvos both come back.

Fura says, “This is the Dreaming.” Rylan nods at Fura. Elisten says, “Just.. just be calm!! Nothing will happen.” Fura says, “Kri'it visits Griffin's Nest, without danger. I welcome him here also.”

Fura says, “I am ready for the journey. To a place I've never seen.”

Nilan settles into the dream his mind letting go. He says, “My friends. I take you to the beauties of my home.”

Again, Kri’it enters the room. Nilan says, “Kri'it take a seat, join us.” Kri'it says, “Dream, I shall protect you.” Elisten smiles in amazement. Nilan says, “Thank you ranger.” Kri’it nods.

Elisten says, “You see... everything will be fine. Trust in the love I have for Nilan, and his for me.” Elisten gives Nilan a warm embrace, holding him tightly. Rylan nods at Elisten. Elisten smiles at Kri'it.

Kri'it says, “Just understand, you will be shunned by many for this.. The gods may frown on you. Be sure it is what you want.” The drow falls silent, quietly guarding the door.

Elisten says, “I swear upon all that I know. Nilan is what I want. Always.”

Cerlayne says, “Their family and friends will never shun them.”

Nilan begins his dreaming. He stands before you, beckoning you to follow though the halls of Undermountain. He leads you through the twisting passages to a dark swirling portal. Raising an outstretched hand, Nilan opens the portal in a flash of light. Nilan shuts his eyes briefly blinded. “Walk with me to the Underdark forest of my people.”

Elisten says, “Anywhere you lead, Nilan. Anywhere.”

Nilan shows you the wonders of his darkened land, the colourful lichen upon the walls. He says, “I wish to show you this spot, this is where I dream of you, Elisten.” Elisten nods at Nilan. Nilan waves his hand, revealing an underground hot spring and flowing waterfall. Nilan says, “My Lady, you walk my world today. And in it, I would like to give you my vows.” Elisten smiles, so obviously in love with Nilan.

Nilan says. “I have dreamt of taking you here in person, but we know that could never be. So, my dear…” Nilan smiles at Elisten and gives a raw emerald to her. Elisten beams a smile at Nilan exclaiming, “It's beautiful!” Nilan says, “A jewel not so precious as the one I wed this day.” Elisten blushes. Nilan continues, “And to you, before my friends here, so that they may bear witness.” Nilan takes Elisten’s hand into his, and looks deep within her eyes. “I say this: “Ussta velve zhah dossta Elisten udos z'hin izil uss nindol tanji lueth. The words of my people.” Nilan drops to one knee and smiles, saying, “Sometimes I lie awake. I dream of everyone - who walk the path I take or ran beneath the sun.” Nilan eyes his ebony fingers, intertwined with Elisten's fair skin. “But I believe we are destiny. Bound to survive against all odds. Though I can not walk beside you always know that I am with you.”

*** The rain begins falling harder. ***

Swirling, silvery mists fill the room.
Mist slowly forms a pool on the ground.

In astonishment, all rise to their feet. Nida steps out of the moonwell. “My apologies for interrupting!” Everyone sighs in relief. However a moment later, Kiyre steps out of the moonwell, gasping in astonishment. Fura growls menacingly. Elisten says, “NO.” Nilan reaches for a dagger, standing in front of Elisten. Cerlayne also moves into position to protect her sister. Koraw wields an ebony bladed longsword.
Kri’it eyes the stranger. Kiyre reenters a moonwell and disappears among the mist knowing he has found danger here.

Elisten says, “If he comes back, if he dares to harm us. I swear.”

Fura says, “Any may enter the Dreaming. This is the dreaming. Nothing here is tangible except what we choose!” Elisten nods at Fura, containing herself, releasing the tension.

Koraw says, “Choices have a funny way of making themselves sometimes...”

Elisten remembers Nida, and welcomes her warmly, introducing her to the others. Everyone welcomes Nida.

Fura says, “Much as Kiyre's visit was unpleasant, it was brief. We must continue the Dreaming.”

Kri'it begins casting a spell, and a spider on the wall flees. The spell sprouts swirling bands of energy onto the ground. Fura looks at Kri'it curiously. The drow ranger says, “No one will be able to teleport here now.” Everyone murmurs thanks to the Ranger. The drow, once again, falls silent as he closes the door.

Nilan takes Elisten’s hands in his own, once again. “As I was saying, I believe we are destiny. Bound to survive against all odds. Though I can not walk beside you always know that I am with you.” Elisten smiles deeply into Nilan’s eyes. Nilan rises to his feet and slowly glances around the room. “I will be with you under the sunlit skies of your world and in the darkness of the night in mine. I shall be with you always. And I shall always come for you.” Nilan looks into Elisten's eyes; “Elisten, I love you.” He takes Elisten's hand in his and looks deep within her eyes and says, “Ussta velve zhah dossta Elisten udos z'hin izil uss nindol tanji lueth.”

Nilan places a woven bracelet of fluorescent lichen around Elisten’s wrist. Elisten gasps in astonishment. Nilan says, “Take me to your world Elisten.”

Elisten smiles, saying, “My love, I will never fear you or anything you give to me.”

Cerlayne says, “Show him the playful pixies and sprites and the beautiful forests, show him the beauty of our land sister.”

Elisten touches the bracelet gently. “I will now take you all, friends, to my home, where I grew up.” Fura watches curiously. Nilan smiles at his bride.

Elisten opens a door from the inside of a beautiful cottage. Out the door, a vast forest looms. Tall trees, thick lush grass. Fura steps out onto the grass, feeling the blades between her toes.

Elisten says. “This is my dear friend Anna's house. Many, many days of my life have I spent here. Dreaming of the day I will find love.”

Sylvos smiles, watching the antics of a nearby squirrel. Nilan smiles, thinking of the sunlight and how it must look reflecting in Elisten’s hair. Cerlayne points out the flash of silver between the trees. A forest nymph.

Elisten says, “The land around us is filled with all sorts of creatures. Faeries, pixies.. even Tinkers. All are happy to share this land. I am happy to share this land with all of you.

Fura says, “Elisten would not let the sunshine harm you here, Nilan. Come now, join her Dream. Fura takes Nilan's hands in hers briefly. She says, “I know this is a difficult day for you. I know you have to learn to trust us. There are many here who you do not know that well. But we - WE - are here for you, Nilan, and for Elisten. Come.”

Elisten smiles gently at Fura, much gratitude in her eyes. Elisten continues, “All this land, these trees, the sun, the moons, they have comforted me many times in my life. I wish against all wish that you could be there to walk hand in hand with me Nilan.” Nilan replies “I walk it with you, in our dreams Elisten.”

Elisten sighs softly, “Alas, with the world the way it is, I am saddened to say you may never see it. So I offer you, join me now. Walk with me into my forests.” Nilan says, “I will always walk it with you, Elisten, always.” Elisten holds out her hand to Nilan. Nilan takes the offered hand.

Elisten says, “I have nothing to offer you as a gift. Except my love. My self. My life. In front of these friends that join us here, I willingly become your wife. To share myself with you from now until the end of time.”

Nilan says, “You are my gift Elisten. So you see? You do offer me a gift.”

Elisten says, “I will never, never allow you to be harmed, so long as you keep me in your heart. Trust me Nilan. I will never fail you.”

*** The tiny spider races up the wall, across the ceiling, and promptly drops onto Nilan's shoulder. It stands there, unmoving.. ***

Sylvos peers intently around the room. Nilan eyes the spider. Cerlayne raises an eyebrow.

Elisten says, “Trust Nilan, trust.” Elisten hugs Nilan, holding him closely. Elisten says, “Nothing will harm you this day. Remember, we dream.”

Nida smiles nervously, moderately uncomfortable at the unmasked intimacy before her.

Elisten removes her bracelet, holding it tightly hidden in her palm. Elisten opens her hand. A bright blue ball of light sits in her palm. Inside the light, a brilliant flame of gold jumps and dances. “This flame represents the love that always kindles in my heart, for my love. For Nilan. It will never burn out and can never be blown out.”

Elisten beams a smile at Fura. Elisten gently hands the ball to Fura.

Nilan says, “I'll always come for you, Elisten. Always.”

Fura holds the ball, briefly. Then she taps it with one finger, and the flame drifts into Nilan and Elisten. Fura watches the ball of blue split into several wedges, which fling out over the gathering like a spider web, like ivy.

Nida briefly touches a thread, watching it shimmer.

Fura says, “We will be returning now. We might see strange things - remember, this is the Dreaming.” Fura opens her eyes wider, and the threads form into a mist. Sylvos watches intently as the forest fades into a blue, misty blur. Fura frowns at the mist, and lumps of blue shape themselves into three beds, and mounds of laundry on the floor of the bedroom. Fura begins to pant, having difficulty catching her breath. She drops flat to the ground. Nida looks worriedly at Fura.
Nilan kneels by Fura’s side, “Fura wake up, are you ok?”

Sylvos says, “The Dreamings take a lot of her energy.” Elisten agrees, “She has had a hard journey. She needs rest, she will be fine.”

*** Thunder booms across the land several times, each sounding closer.. ***

Fura shivers uncomfortably and sits up. Sylvos frowns. Fura says, “Are we all back? No one is lost?”

*** Several flashes of light briefly blind the room from outside, followed by their crash and boom. ***

Cerlayne says, “We are weary but safe.”

Fura peers out the window. Someone is mad. Rylan nods. Sylvos watches the intensity of the storm warily. Nilan pulls his cloak about him and fingers a dagger. Kri'it looks out the window nervously. Nida shudders.

Fura says, “However it goes, Nilan and Elisten, you are wed. I stand before you, before the storm and the calm.” The room bursts into applause and everyone congratulates the couple.

Nilan gives Elisten a gentle kiss. Elisten says, “Nilan, is that the best you can do!?!” And with that, Elisten takes Nilan into her arms and kisses him soundly. Chuckles are heard around the room as Nilan returns the affection.

*** A loud boom is heard outside.. ***

Kri'it says, ”Stay here.” Kri'it clambers to his feet, opens the door and goes outside. Nilan peers around intently, looking for something. Sylvos stands to the side of the door, waiting.

*** The rain comes down in droves on the roofing. ***

Cerlayne raises an eyebrow. Nilan says, “Something is amiss.” Rylan looks towards the roof. Sylvos says, “It will be well.” Nilan says, “Sylvos, where is Kri'it?” Sylvos responds with a frown, “Standing sentry outside.” Nilan says, “He senses trouble as do I.” Sylvos nods, “As do I, but he is capable and I will stay here.”

Fura says, “Trouble will follow you. I do not know who wanted you two together so much that spirits were split, but it could not have been an easy task.”

Elisten says, “There can be no trouble. Not this day.” Elisten frowns.

*** Thunder crashes all around. ***

Elisten shudders and hugs Nilan, holding him closely.

Sylvos whispers to Nilan, “Kri’it is not in the family room any longer.”

Rylan puts his hands as his side, lightly touching his mace.
Cerlayne wields her longsword. Nida glances around nervously, clutching her spellbooks to her chest. Koraw dons a polished bone helm on his head, then cocks his head to one side, listening. Sylvos glances out the door, then says, “Kri'it has returned.”

Sylvos glances once more outside the room, and he sees a Yochlol, handmaiden to Lloth and demon of Abyss standing there. Sylvos frowns and stands protectively in front of Nilan and Elisten, saying, “Be Ready.. Something else has come.

Again, Sylvos looks out the door, but this time he sees the Yochlol, standing tall above the corpse of Kri’it. Sylvos says, “Kri’it has fallen.”

Rylan looks outside the window for something, but the intense rain blocks all view.

Elisten says, “No.. no this cannot happen!”

Rylan says, “What?”

Sylvos growls, “Elisten, Nilan. Lloth herself has taken notice.”

Nilan lunges for the door. At this same moment, Elisten says, “I fear nothing as long as Nilan is with me.” Then as she watches Nilan lunging, she screams, “Nilan, no!”

Sylvos, reflexes high, shoves Nilan, sending him flying to the ground.

Cerlayne grabs her longsword. Fura starts casting a spell while Elisten's skin seems to turn to stone.

Sylvos says, “Nilan stay! This is not to be faced alone, whatever!” Nilan struggles in Sylvos’ grasp. “Nilan, you did not wed to run out and fight alone!” Fura says, “We are here, as your kin. Be here with us.” Rylan says, “We will protect you.”

Nilan says, “But Kri'it...”

Elisten says, “Nilan.. Nilan do not leave! I trust you, remember I trust you completely. Trust our friends. They will see us safe!” Nilan looks into Elisten’s eyes.

Cerlayne says, “We stand together.”

Sylvos says, “Perhaps he mortally injured the Yochlol before falling, for I do not see it out there any longer either. Nilan replies, “Sylvos, we can avenge him.”

Elisten says, “Nothing can hurt us, nothing. Remember, even in death Nilan, we will be together. But today, is not that day.”

*** The thunder can be heard distantly as the rain subsides. ***

Nilan says, “I must tend the body.”

“Nilan,” says Elisten while she grabs Nilan's hand.

Nilan says, “He was a friend. He died. For me.” “Sylvos, let me go pay my respects.”

Nida says, “Tend your wife, Nilan! She is your first and foremost now. Her safety is your primary concern.”

*** The tiny spider remains firmly fixed on Nilan’s arm, unmoving, save for the tiny flexing of it's jaws and an occasional twitch. ***

Fura looks closely at the spider.

*** Of a sudden, Nilan screams in agony dropping to his knees. ***

Elisten says, “No!!” Dropping to her knees, Elisten cries, “Nilan!! My love! What hurts? Nilan, speak to me!”

Sylvos says, “You have no place here, whoever you are. Begone spider.”

*** The spider leaps from Nilan, and races across the floor to Elisten, running up her boot and leg. ***

Cerlayne gasps in astonishment. Rylan eyes the spider intently.

Elisten frowns, saying, “This spider, what is it?”

*** The spider climbs her back and stops atop her shoulder, and faces Elisten. ***

Fura says, “Tell us your need. Are you the one who split that spirit?”

Elisten says, “I am not afraid. I will stand strong to protect my loved ones.” Elisten glances at Nilan, who seems to check his forearm for bite marks. He murmurs something about his arm tingling.

Fura says, “Do you need dreamstuff to speak, spider? I am willing to aid.”

*** The spider quickly spins a tiny ball of golden spider silk about the size of a tiny pea. When done, it races to Elisten’s neck and places the silk there. It leaps free of her, races across the wall, under the door, and is gone. ***

Fura examines the golden silk, now sitting upon Elisten’s neck.

Sylvos says, “This is outside my experience with nature's creatures.”

Nilan says, “Elisten are, are you ok?” She responds, “I am ok. But what is the meaning of all this? I do not understand!”

Fura looks at Nilan and then at Elisten.

*** Elisten smiles uncontrollably at Nilan, somehow knowing or feeling more about him, almost as if connected. ***

Fura raises an eyebrow. Nilan takes Elisten’s hand, examining the small silk. “Fura what is this?”

*** The storm passes, and bands of light shoot downwards from the clouds over the land. ***

Rylan says, “It seems the storm is over.”

Fura welcomes the light, hoping that whatever needed doing is done.

Elisten hugs Nilan, holding him closely.

Fura says, “Is everything clear outside, Koraw our Shield?”

Nilan says, “Fura what magic was this, this night? I, I think it bit me!”

Fura says, “This was the Dreaming. In the Dreaming, the Gods speak more clearly.”

Elisten says, “Everything will be fine, I think.”

Fura says, “I feel that something has changed utterly, but cannot tell more.”

Nilan wonders what happened to Kri’it’s body and goes to see.

Elisten says, “Sylvos, I have but love to protect him with. I fear that will not be enough, should something stronger than he appear. Please, please watch for his safety?”

Sylvos nods at Elisten and leaves the room, tracking Nilan. Outside, a private conversation is held. Nilan says, “I am responsible for his death!” Sylvos responds, “Nilan, he made his own choice. You assume responsibility of his choices is to demean him. Go back to your bride.”

Back inside, the guests are gathered. Fura says, “I offer my congratulations, Elisten and Nilan.”

Nilan gives Elisten a gentle kiss. Elisten smiles happily.

Fura says, “It seems we have weathered the first storm.”

Nilan says, “I dare say there will be more.”

Elisten smiles saying, “With you, all my friends, and with my Husband… We will weather all the storms to come.”

Nilan smiles happily.

Fura says, ”You have got plenty to protect you with, both of you.”

[This message has been edited by Elisten (edited 12-30-2001).]
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Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2001 6:01 am

Postby Nilan » Mon Dec 31, 2001 9:49 am

Just wanna say thank you for all that participated in makeing this wedding special. Had alot of fun and I know that there are many "storms" ahead of us.

More fun roleplay awaits. I somehow get the feeling I'm not in Lloths favor anymore *snicker* I think that handmaiden she sent is err evident of that, though i might be wrong *whistle*

Thank you guys and thank you my lovely wife Elisten, without you all none of this would have been possible.


*ShadowStalker* - Drow Assassin -
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Location: Hull, Quebec, Canada

Postby Zanvazez » Thu Sep 05, 2002 3:45 am

I'm not good with words nor are the ones i use elloquent so please forgive me. I usually do not speak much either but in this situation, i believe everyone should be able to understand my words not just those who understand the drow language. What people might not know and the gods have possibly forgotten, is that we are all woven from the same cloth. although i think that should be enough of an explanation, i shall continue.

All being started from the same place, the same magic but in time, grew apart. This union between the Drow Nilan and his surface dwelling wife Elisten merely reminds us that our diferences are the ones that we, as people, have made. This commitment made by both of them is scary to most because it indicates a new way of thinking. They fear change and would do anything to stop it. Many do not like this because it is an alliance between to "enemies" but what they don't grasp is that the "enemy" is only so out of habit. habits can be good but, stagnation is detremental.

I have spoken enough, this is what it comes down to: if you fear change and try to come between the bond that Nilan and Elisten have, then a war you shall have and it will begin and end with the sound of you, choking on your own blood.

Not that it matters but, you have my support Shadowstalker.

Zanvazez Ark'Henneld
Qu'ellar Ark'Henneld Velg'larn
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Postby Yayaril » Thu Sep 05, 2002 7:18 pm

Next on Springer: when dark and grey elves marry.

Posts: 270
Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2001 5:01 am
Location: Minnesota

Postby Elisten » Sat Sep 07, 2002 4:15 am

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Yayaril:
<B>Next on Springer: when dark and grey elves marry.


... and the lil twerp that ever lingers. Luv ya Yaya. *SMOOCH* *flutter*

Anar caluva tielyanna.
- "The sun shall shine upon your path."

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