Midnight Alliance

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Midnight Alliance

Postby Lasar » Fri Sep 13, 2002 3:40 am

The morning light from the rising sun graced the blood strewn valley. Equipment and bodies lie strewn across the now desolate clearing. The light reflected off the hilt of a sword still in the grasp of its now less than agile owner. Beetles and flies began to encompass the previously dormant land as they disposed off the remains performing their task assigned by nature and its deities.
Lasar raised his holy symbol and uttered a word of gratitude to Mielikki. Clambering to his feet, the thin yet broad-shouldered young man began to pack up his belongings as his fellow travelers signaled their intent to move on.
“What is it with you elves? Always stopping to commune with nature when the rest of us are ready to move on!” grumbled Aldavien as he nudged Lasar who was attempting to feed a ground squirrel a partially eaten nut he had foraged earlier. Aldavien was quite a bit larger than Lasar looking even larger in his full armor set. He often tried to use his size to intimidate the man who had a mixed ancestry of elf and human.
“I’m coming! You know for a paladin you sure don't seem to participate in much charity.” Lasar replied.
“Charity? Since when is feeding a local rodent a form of charity?” Aldavien contested. “For once you are actually feeding them instead of feeding on them!”
“Would you rather I feed one of your fingers to them?” Said Lasar as he unsheathed his long sword.
“Bring it on nature boy! You’ll have to stop hugging that tree first though!” Aldavien retorted.
“Guys! Guys! Knock it off! We need to move on before the light fades away.” Risaros barked at them.
Lasar shot a look of disgust at Risaros as he resheathed his sword. Aldavien snorted lewdly at the small man’s orders.
“You know we should just let them go at it one day, maybe then they’ll learn.” Aedwyn said aside to Risaros in elvish.
“No, no, we’ve already spent the last few hours recovering from battle. We can’t spare anymore time.” He replied.

So the group who called themselves ‘The Adventuring Brigade’ began once again upon their journey south from the human town of Waterdeep that had become home to many of those who claimed to be fighting for the side of good. They had already past the a giant troll who guarded the bridge attempting to collect a toll from travelers. They had embarked across the High Road full of merchants and tourists traveling to and from Waterdeep and through a shady forest inhabited by only small woodland creatures. The band of not so merry men continued across a Great Plain through ancient ruins created by an unknown and seemingly ancient people before they came to the edge of the Trollbark Forest. A hush grew over the group. Night had fallen while the group crossed the plains and now they looked back upon red, beady eyes that peered through the dense forest at them. Cries of small woodland creatures could be heard as they hunted or were hunted.
Kerek tugged on Aldavien’s sleeve attempting to get his attention. The tall man leaned over so that Kerek could whisper something into Aldavien’s ear. Aedwyn and Lasar glanced at each other for when Kerek spoke, he was one to be heard. The short and round stereotypical dwarf had sworn an oath to uphold the philosophy of his gods and was devout in all his actions.
“That is an excellent idea Kerek.” Aldavien said out loud to the rest of the group.
“What’s this?” asked Risaros inquisitively.
“I was only suggesting to Aldavien that perhaps one of us should go ahead and scout out the forest before the rest of us go through. That way we can take the shortest and safest path through and have knowledge of what lies ahead.” Kerek said as he leaned against a nearby rock.
“We should vote to decide which of us will scout out the forest.” Aedwyn suggested.
“Why don’t we just send in the ranger, he is trained to blend in with the forest.” Risaros interjected. Lasar quickly looked up from the piece of wood he had been absentmindedly whittling away on.
“You want to send me into the forest? Full of trolls. Alone?!?” Lasar exclaimed.
“It is the most obvious choice out of all of us. Do that disappearing act of yours and no one will see you.” Kerek said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Alright. I’ll do it. But I’m still not sure this is a good idea.” Lasar continued to protest. “I’ve got one of those feelings again, you know the feeling that something unfortunate is going to happen...”
“You always have ominous feelings Las, nothing will happen. You’re just being a wuss. Go!” Ordered Aldavien. Lasar grumbled something unintelligible before raising his holy symbol that had been a gift from his master. He uttered a few words and vanished.
“Good luck! Be careful!” Aedwyn cried as bushes on the outskirts of the forest rustled.
“That fool will prolly get himself killed.” Aldavien sneered.
“Nah. He’ll make it. He’s got some sense in him... not a whole lot but he’s got some.” Kerek corrected Aldavien. So the four sat and waited for Lasar’s return from the depths of the forest that was said to be plagued with trolls. They discussed what they were to do once they reached their destination. The city of Baldur’s Gate was beyond the forest. To pass the time Risaros told stories of his travels across the land and Aldavien boasted of the evil that he had removed from Waterdeep. As the night progressed they all eventually fell asleep until the glare of the midday sun above them awoke them.
“Odd, he hasn't returned yet. What's keeping him?” Wondered Aedwyn aloud.
“No, it really isn't like him to take so long to scout an area and return.” Agreed Risaros. “Maybe I should check to see how he is doing.” He took out a tome filled with writing and marks that befuddled all except those with the gift of enchantment. After glancing at the text for a while he closed it and began to recite one of the spells contained within the ancient tome. On completion of the enchantment. A third eye appeared in the middle of the elf’s forehead swirling with colors. Risaros’ vision was instantly of a dark clearing in the midst of the forest.

A large troll with green, bumpy and carbuncle covered skin stood directly in front of Risaros’ view. The troll was speaking in grunts to another troll nearby. A muffled cry was heard coming from the left of the two. Bound and gagged to a tree was Lasar! The troll who had been addressed by his companion as Cherzra inhaled deeply. Then in words that could be understood said:
“You good catch no?” said the troll as she poked Lasar in the ribs and grinning with delight as her prisoner squirmed.
“No fear. I will torture not long. Soon I eat!” Cherzra laughed as did her companion. Cherzra licked Lasar. “Yes. Good eat.”

Risaros suddenly gasped as his third eye faded back into his skin. He had lost what little color he had in his cheeks and tried to speak but only mumbled.
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Aedwyn asked Risaros as she steadied him.
“Las.... Las.... he... is....” Risaros slowly formed the sentence.
“He is what?” Aedwyn asked impatiently.
“The ranger... he got caught!” Risaros finally exclaimed. Shock came to the faces of those sitting listening to the frail elf speak.
“I knew it! He always finds a way to mess things up!” Aldavien said then groaned loudly.
“There is probably a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why this happened. As for now we have to get him out of there, we surely can’t leave him. What did you see exactly Ris?” Kerek said calmly as Aldavien continued to fume.
“Las was chained to a tree and a troll with green and bumpy skin whom another troll called Cherzra spoke of eating him.”
“Eating him!? That means we must hurry, come on lets go!” Aldavien ordered.
“I’ll see if I can find his trail. Shouldn’t be too hard, rangers are always leaving pieces of arrow and berries lying around.” Aedwyn said quickly.
So Aedwyn began to follow Lasar’s tracks through the forest as the other adventurers followed behind her. They passed several trolls sleeping under the gnarled branches. Sneaking around each so as not to wake them.
Shortly they reached a clearing within the dark forest. Torches burned brightly illuminating the darkness caused by the dense foliage and revealing a small encampment with a few makeshift huts. In the center was a large pit containing a crackling fire that was as large as one of the trolls that was standing in front of it. To the left of the fire was a single tree with the silhouette of a creature that was almost half the height of the troll near it. Risaros squinted his eyes as he tried to make out the detail of the creature or person that was bound to the tree.
“There he is. Tied to that tree.” Risaros whispered to the rest of the group. They all nodded in agreement afraid to speak for fear they may also be captured.
“We have to do something. We can’t just sit here!” Aedwyn said as she began to shiver. A sudden gust of wind had blown in from the east causing the fire to roar and suddenly grow intense.
“Come on. Lets move.” Aldavien said through the wind. They once again rose and began to slowly sneak blending with the shadows as much as possible until they were directly behind Lasar and could hear what was being said by the pair of trolls that were in front of them.
“Cherzra eat good. This one not stringy like other elf caught. It good. We all eat.” Grunted Cherzra to the other troll standing next to her. The other troll glanced at the half-elf and then back to Cherzra.
“Yes. Good eat tonight. Gruld eat good.” Gruld smiled a wide toothy smile as he rubbed his stomach. Cherzra turned and walked over to check on the fire that burned in the middle of the clearing. Finding himself alone, Gruld glanced around cautiously then slowly moved towards Lasar. Quickly (and amazingly fast for a troll) he grab the tree that Lasar was tied to and tore it from the ground! Hearing the noise of the tree being uprooted Cherzra turned to see Gruld begin to take off across the clearing with the tree and the half-elf tied to it. Cherzra let out a terrifying roar that reverberated across the expanse of the forest causing the four adventurers in the shadows to jump.
“STOP! FOOD!” Cherzra bellowed as she ran after Gruld .
“He’s running off with Las! We have to stop him!” Aedwyn exclaimed as she jumped to her feet.
“I got it.” Risaros said as he began to recite a spell in elvish. It seemed to take forever.
“Quickly Ris!” Screamed Aedwyn. Risaros uttered his last word and nothing seemed to happen. None of the trees had become uprooted, no rocks were overturned, and there was still little light in the clearing. Suddenly Gruld began to yell. The troll tripped over a rock in front of him falling flat on his face sending Lasar and the tree flying.
“Eyes burn!” Groaned Gruld has he cleared his orange hair from his face and rubbed his eyes.
“ELF!” Cherzra continued to bellow as she ran to where the tree had been thrown. Just before the gaunt beast reached it she was suddenly was showered in a mist of blood that spouted from a glistening source. Aldavien rode out of the shadows atop his faithful horse and in his hands was a gleaming sword that glowed brightly possessed by some magical force. The troll staggered from the fearsome blow and her eyes immediately lit up with a sudden and intense rage. She grabbed her large club carved from the femur of a giant as the paladin charged him. Aldavien’s skin turned to stone as he raised his sword above his shoulder in preparation to swing at the troll in front of him. Cherzra dodged to left evading his attack but struck back causing the human to recoil from the blow. But her blow only took a chip out of Aldavien’s stone defended skin. He returned a devastating swing that brought the giant troll to his knees. Raising his sword once again. Aldavien brought the sword down into Cherzra’s chest and upon contact it glowed with an intense light so bright that it lit up the surrounding forest for hundreds of feet waking those who had previously laid dormant. The rattling death cry of the evil beast was heard as she slumped forward and collapsed lifeless upon the ground.
Aldavien’s skin returned to normal as he removed the sword from the collapsed troll. He wiped the sweat from his brow. Hearing Kerek cry out he turned quickly to look behind him.
“Alda! Look out!”
Aldavien swirled around only to meet the wrong end of Gruld’s mace that sent him flying. He hit the ground hard and was stunned, laying there lifeless.
Thinking he was dead, Gruld turned and ran at Risaros who was busy intensely studying his tome. Gruld wound up to swing his bloody mace and crush the frail elf before him. But before his attack could connect with Risaros he slumped to his knees and coughed up a blood as Aedwyn sunk both of her glowing daggers into his back. Their glow spread over her entire body as the second beast heaved a last breath and slid to just before Risaros’ feet.
Aedwyn removed her daggers from her victim and cleaned them off. Then suddenly turned as she remembered Aldavien sprawled out unconscious. But Kerek was at his side, lightly touching his wounds and causing them to heal. Aldavien’s eyes opened and he rose to his feet and looked at the second troll lying before Risaros. They all sighed with relief as Aedwyn picked the locks and removed the chains that bound Lasar to the tree. Lasar got to his feet and looked sheepishly around at his companions that were staring at him.
“Thanks” was the only word he was able to get out as a loud howl broke the silence that had followed the battle. The lone howl became a chorus of howling that seemed to come from all around them. The foliage around them rustled as wolves were seen prowling in and out of the shadows. Atop the wolves were orcs clad in armor and armed with swords and bows. The first of the group charged at them.
Aldavien and Lasar simultaneously unsheathed their swords that glinted from the light of the fire. Risaros quickly uttered in elvish as their skins turned to stone and they engaged the demons of the woods. As soon as their swords connected with the advisaries their companions let loose a volley of arrows that flew past them.
Aedwyn applied her poison to her daggers and engaged one of the seemingly endless amount of wolf-riding demons. She used her elven grace and speed to circle her opponent and inflict damage to key areas. Kerek spoke rapidly healing those who were in battle.
One after another the orcs began to fall as twirling blades, quick mouths and solid persistence fought off the demons who sought to destroy those who advocated good across the lands of Faerun. The battle waged deep into the night until the last of the beasts had fallen, the sound of metal striking metal would be ingrained into the minds of those present that night. And when it was finished they gazed upon the corpses that littered the clearing and the fire that seemed to be burning with an even greater intensity. A strong and chilly wind blew causing the fabric to flap in the wind.
The adventurers sunk to the ground as they heaved with exhaustion and glanced between each other and to the edge of the clearing ready for whatever may be thrown at them next. And there they sat for a period of time that now seems to be unmeasurable. As the light of the moon shone directly over head a sense of energy and fervor seemed to rise within them.
“Tonight we have seen what we are all truly capable of.” Lasar began “ We are capable of carrying for one another and defending each other to the point of risking our lives to help another. We are willing to fight to the death to uphold what we believe to be just and to stop those who are attempting to cast a dark shadow across the realms. It is my belief that right here and right now we should pledge to always be there to help one and protect one another. And to above all, fight the forces of evil that seek to destroy all that is good and just in the land of Faerun.”
“Lasar, that is the wisest thing I have ever heard you say” Aldavien said with a smirk. “and anyone would be a fool not to agree to that.”
“It is then agreed?” Lasar glanced around him and the others nodded in agreement. They all placed a hand in the center of them and nodded thus sealing the pact between them that shall stand the test of time.
And thus the Midnight Alliance was born as the bright and full moon shone over the corpse littered clearing in the middle the Trollbark Forest.

Written by- Lasar Caelitae

[This message has been edited by Lasar (edited 09-16-2002).]
Posts: 228
Joined: Mon May 06, 2002 5:01 am
Location: BC

Postby Deshana » Tue Sep 17, 2002 12:04 pm

Bravo, and a nice background for your organization.

Fair skies and sweet waters,


Cold Fire Frozen Spirit

Thanuk group-says 'btw u all get to tell everyone u popped my cherry now:)'

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