Gnome or Dwarf or Human

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Gnome or Dwarf or Human

Postby Ylok » Mon Oct 07, 2002 2:20 pm

The old woman, dressed in a khaki shirt and green skirt with a tall pointed green hat, shuffled down the dirt path looking neither right nor left. A male dwarf, stocky and hard as the iron, followed closely behind, muttering softly into his beard, while his eyes roamed the rocky surroundings. They were both short, even for gnome and a dwarf.

The man reached out suddenly and grabbed the old woman’s shoulder. She whirled in an instant and froze when she saw his finger to his mouth. He inclined his head to the left and the woman followed his gaze.

A body lay unmoving near a large boulder spattered with blood, soaking the sand around it. The woman began to chant softly. Suddenly, she disappeared and the man as well shortly thereafter. Another softly spoken chant and they could see each other, but were invisible to normal sight. Also, an amorphous being hovered next to woman and said, “Your wish is my command, master”. The woman began to walk toward the body, but the man grabbed her arm and whispered.

“This is none of our affair, old woman, let’s be on our way!”

“Why be invisible, if you are going to talk, old fool. Why don’t you just shout out loud.”

She moved cautiously to the body, the amorphous being at her side, followed closely by a muttering old man, axe in hand. The woman turned the body over.

“ Why look!” gasped the old man. “Is it alive?”

The woman reached down and picked up the bundle. “It is indeed. What a smart baby not to cry. Smarter than some old men.”

“Bah, let’s be on our way. We will alert the next village of the baby. Make it invisible and let’s go.” The old man turned to leave. The woman had not moved. She was looking intently into the face of the baby.

“Grimmezziblle, let’s go.” the old man ordered, glancing around at the sound of his own voice.

“Tardrak, I am almost 400 years old and you still treat me like a child. Ylok goes with us.”

“Ylok, who is Ylok.”

“Ylok is my new baby. You named him silly.”

“I named him. Your new baby? He is a human, by the nine gods. Are ye daft?”

“No, I am serious. You said Y Look, tis an omen. His name shall be Ylok and we will raise him. He has nobody else. I know that as only a woman can. Now off we go.’

Tardak sputtered and his face matched his flaming red hair. He looked like he would explode at any minute.

A roar of fetid, sulphurous breath interrupted his explosion. The killer of the boy’s mother had returned.

“Ferentybylynxaferix” Tardrak said through clenched teeth. The red scaled dragon seemed to actually smile, it’s teeth long and yellow. Tendrils of smoke wafted from its long snout.

“Run Grimmezzible, “ shouted Tardrak as he turned to face the dragon, his axe held in both stout hands. The dragon roared and Tardrak slashed at the dragon’s legs.
Grimmezzible began to chant softly as Tardrak slashed at the dragon. The dragon whipped its tail striking Tardrak, as his skin turned to stone. Grimmezzible began to chant again. Suddenly a portal appeared in this air. She and the baby stepped through it to another place.

“ Come Tardrak, hurry!” she yelled, looking back.

Tardrak turned and the dragon beat its wings rapidly, buffeting Tardrak to the ground. The dragon roared as Grimmezzible screamed. Then Tardrak actually laughed at the dragon.
“Be safe my love, I die as a warrior should, laughing in the face of death.” Then the portal closed and Grimmezzible began to weep and the baby began to cry.

Fifteen seasons had passed as Ylok muttered to himself and moved quickly up the mine shaft.

“Tell me what to do, bah. I should have turned him into ashes.” He giggled at the thought. His mother was waiting at the front of the mine shaft. She was small and petite and in his eyes, beautiful. She smiled when she saw him and the dusty darkness seemed to lighten.

“Ylok, how fares thy day ?”

“Terrrible. Those stupid dwarf boys were calling me a dwuhaome AGAIN !”

His mothor sighed. A dwuhaome, a name for a cross between a dwarf, human, and gnome. It wasn’t true, he was all human, but that did not matter now. “Please tell me you did not punish them, Ylok ?”

Ylok could not meet her eyes and she had her answer. “Come here, my love.”

Ylok knelt before her, his head she held in her hands. “You know there will be trouble, my love. The last time they said they would imprison you. Only my veiled threats and gold kept them at bay. I fear that may not be enough anymore.”

Ylok’s head jerked up at the tone in her voice. He saw the single tear snaking down her right cheek and reached out and brushed the tear away. “Mother, I am sorry.”

She stroked his long brown hair. “It is ok, my love. We both knew there would be a time you would seek your own life. I have taught all I know and you are ready to make your mark. You will leave at dawn. Now let’s eat and drink and prepare you for your journey. I will always be here for you, my love. I will always be here for you.”

[This message has been edited by Ylok (edited 10-07-2002).]
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Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2001 5:01 am

Postby Ashiwi » Mon Oct 07, 2002 4:02 pm

Another very well written story. Nicely done!

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