Silhouette Pt. 2 - Chance Encounter

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Silhouette Pt. 2 - Chance Encounter

Postby Eza » Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:59 pm

I gazed around me in distaste. The town of Bloodstone never sat well with me, and being here in the middle of the day was putting me in a very foul mood. Shoving my way throughout the crowds, wrapping my cloak tightly around me to avoid contact, I inched my way towards the shops. A large, foul smelling woman knocked into me, nearly causing me to land on my rear in the street and I spat a curse at her. She made an obscene gesture at me and I shook my head, continuing onward. I felt a slight tugging on my belt, and looked down to find my purse missing. Rolling my eyes and cursing again I turned to see a tiny figure running, not very fast, through the crowds. I sighed and started heading after the small person. Today was just not going to be my day.
The slight figure ducked into an abandoned alley, and I was able to shorten the distance between us. I caught up to the culprit, grabbed my change purse from a tiny hand, while at the same time spinning the person around to confront me. A gasp escaped my lips as I saw the Halflings face, and my purse fell from my fingers, change falling out and clinking along the damp cobblestones. Pobbil recoiled slightly, and then crumpled, sobbing into my arms. I held her tightly until she regained some composure, and began to pick up my coins from the street, carefully putting them back into my purse with trembling fingers.
I finally found myself again, somewhat, and asked "Wha.. wh.. wh.. What the hell is going on Pobbil?!"
She winced slightly, head down, as if afraid to look at me. "I'm just hungry, you see, Eza. I didn't mean any harm." she mumbled.
I shook my head as she handed me back my purse, attempted to tie it back onto my belt, but the string was broken so I placed it in a pocket in my cloak.
"What are you doing here Pobbil? You're supposed to be in Calimport, where I left you. I said I'd be back..."
Pobbil looked at me with wide, fake innocent eyes. "I was in Calimport Eza, I swear it. I.. I wuh.. was.." and she began to sob again.
"It's ok Pobbil. Let us go calm our bones with some ale and you can tell me what exactly is going on."
The halfling nodded slowly and grudgingly began following me back towards the streets, kicking stones like an irritated child. A slight smile met my lips as I gazed at the adorable face I hadn't seen in so long. We made our way throughout the crowds to the Inn. We sat down, removed our wet cloaks and ordered our drinks. When they arrived, Pobbil stared into her cup for a while. I sat silently, watching her, not wanting to press her for information she wasn't ready to share. She took up her cup, and drained it in one drink. Blanching, I stared incredulously at her. She saw the look on my face, giggled a little, and the cold fear inside me lifted a little bit.
She finally began to speak, and told me her story. I could hardly believe my ears.
"So, the short of it is, this man hired me to kill someone, I botched it and now I have squads of bounty hunters chasing me all over. One of them caught up to me just outside town, beat me, ra..rap..," she shuddered slightly "they stole my money, weapons and clothes and left me for dead. That's why I'm here, and that's why I stole your purse." She promptly stopped talking again and stared into her cup again.
I was staring at her, mouth agape. My face began to get hot, and my entire body began to tremble. I wanted to tell her it would be ok, that we would get the bastards that did this to her, but I was unable to speak. I stood up, threw my cup against the wall, had my cloak about my shoulders even as pieces fell to the grimy floor and stalked towards the door. Back out in the daylight, the world seemed surreal, every face looked menacing, and I found myself dizzy at the sight of them all blurring by. I fell back against the wall beside the door to the Inn and began to cry. A tiny hand on my shoulder caused me to jump, and I looked up through tear filled eyes to see Pobbil staring at me with a concerned look upon her face. I placed my hand over hers, and in a wavering voice told her that I would kill the man was that hired her and caused this to happen to her.
We decided the first thing we should do was head to Waterdeep and speak with Kang and some others around town, see if anyone knew who the man was that hired Pobbil. I bought Pobbil some new clothes, a pack and food for our journey. We set out at dusk that night, wanting to make the trip as fast as possible. We set up camp in a little clearing by a river that night, eating cold beef and dirty water from the river. Pobbil bathed, and fell asleep very fast. I, however, could not sleep. I kept twirling my daggers in my hands, looking about in the shadows, my anger growing until I felt that I might burst.
At first light, I woke Pobbil and we headed the rest of the way to Waterdeep, arriving in the late afternoon. We encountered one squad along the way, and hid out of sight until they passed. I heard one of them speak the name "Dembrovia" and committed that to memory. We arrived at Kangs in time for dinner. Dinnertime at Kangs was always a fun time for me, with all the drinking and suspicious looks going around the table. Tonight, however, I was not in a jovial mood. Pobbil and I retired early. I told her to stay in my room until I returned, not to move an inch, while I went and talked with a few people. She nodded, and fell quickly asleep.
I spoke with everyone in the Tavern that night, and got the information I was looking for. Dembrovia was a small barony near Bloodstone, ruled by an irrational tyrant of a man named Quinelain. Word was going around that he was very unhappy with someone and there was a hefty reward for the persons capture. I snuk out and tracked down a very old friend of mine, and asked him if I could count on his help for a few days. He agreed, and waited for me while I returned to the tavern to gather my things.
I sighed sadly after packing up my things. I hated to leave Pobbil alone, but I knew that Kangs was one place she'd be safe. Outsiders were not welcome here, and I'd already asked Kang to have some people watch out for her. I stared at her tiny face for what must have been a half-hour, tears streaming down my dirty face, caressing her hair slowly. I finally stood; realizing that sitting by her side would not help her get revenge on the monster that was after her. I leaned down, kissed her tiny lips tenderly, and headed back into the night. My old friends hulking figure was right where I left him. He smiled, nudged me slightly with one huge shoulder.
"You ready to go Drakur?" I asked in a weak voice. He nodded, and we made out way into the night, headed back to Bloodstone and the barony of Dembrovia.

- Booty Assasin -

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