Rodric's Respite: Part III The Proposition

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Rodric\'s Respite: Part III The Proposition

Postby Xonumar » Sat Dec 21, 2002 10:38 pm

Marianne hastily withdraws crystalline
prism and places it on the floor.
"What is that?", questions Xonumar.
"Shhh. I am trying to invoke the properties
of the summoning stone.", says Marianne.
"Zelrzk!", chants Marianne.
Intantly the prism begins to grow slowly.
Rodric backsteps a pace and glares
in amazement.
Marianne watches in anticipation.
The prism enlarges to six feet and
suddenly a male elf hops out from
thin air. The prism dissapears with
a small pop.
The elf turns to Rodric and smiles.
"Well met Xonumar. I am Larentoc. I am
sure your human mind must have many
questions bubbling about by this time.
However we haven't much time for answers.
The dark lord of Ekar periodically scans
Ekar for unauthorized magics. I will
give you a briefing on what has caused
these unfortunate circumstances.",
says the mysteriously pale elf.
"How do you know my name?", asks Xonumar.
Larentoc grins. "As I stated a moment
ago allow me to explain. Everything
will become much better defined."
"There was a time when the village Ekar
was a very chaotic resort town. Men
came from 10's of miles to spoil themselves
in the pleasures offered here. It was
the perfect place to get lost from the
harsh work of the world.", says Larentoc
before he pauses. His face contorts in
a bit of disgust before he continues,
"Yes people of all races could get lost
here. These people who came were not the
only ones who new this. There was a
vampire...He realized that he could
walk among this place unnoticed. He also
decided that no one would miss one or
two of these poor souls if they were
drawn out along a span of several weeks.
How wrong he was...", says Larentoc in
a somber voice.
"His first partner was a success.", states
Larentoc shifting his gaze from Rodric
to Marianne and then back again. "Something
totally unexpected intervened with his
next partner."
"I have heard enough. I am no fool.
That explains your pale expression and
the scent of the dead that surrounds
you vile beast! You must pay vampire
for the good lives you have plundered!",
spits Rodric as he moves toward Larentoc.
Larentoc deftly draws a small rock from
his pocket and whispers, "Solidize."
Rodric stops in his tracks. His muscles
no longer obey his mind.
"You are right Rodric. I am not some
kind of angelic being. I do not want
things to stay as they are. Please
allow me to finish.", pleads Larentoc
despite the fact that Rodric doesn't
have much of a choice in the matter.
"As I was saying.", continues
Larentoc. "My second pupil was not content
to be the student. Despite his unlearned
ways. He plotted to overthrow me, but
the vampiric bond between master and
pupil is very persuasive. This was
acceptable although unwanted by me and
all went smoothly the blood lifeforce
was plentiful and I persevered." Larentoc's
face grows ever darker by the moment
revealing his anger. "Until one day
when my disturbed blood pupil gambled
,in this very inn, with a powerful wizard.
The wizard must have been lacking his
scrying powers because he did not know
that he was dealing with a pupil
of trickery. The stakes were doubled many
times over until the wizard had no platinum
left to place on the table. Instead
this wizard withdrew a single sheet of
paper from his cloak. A scroll of
Exceptional Free Will a spell that
removes all physical and mental influences
binding a single individual. A very rare
thing it is that can severe the link
between a master and pupil, but such
rarities do occur. The wizard knew not
what was at stake when he lost that
game.", Larentoc pauses to shake his
head. "Upon handing the scroll over
my pupil grinned the most wicked grin
this village has ever seen. He immediately
recited the scroll and broke free of
my grasp. A split second later his claws
launched forward gauging huge holes in
the unlucky wizards throat rendering
him deceased. He swiftly took control
of the town before I awoke from
my slumber. That is how Ekar devolved
into what it is today. Nothing happens
here without his knowledge. He quickly
dispatched me from this place with
the brute numbers under his control.
The only reason I am here today is because
my good pupil Marianne is a double
agent pretending to serve him.", finishes
"I see what the vampire Daloc sees through
Marianne. That is how I knew about you.
You see Daloc is not satisfied with living
as a vampire. He wishes to usurp control
of the world. The fool actually believes
it is within his capabilities. He ensnares
new victims and sends them out too bring
new blood back to Ekar. You were his
next target. You received high
recommendation from Eric Garron. Eric
bragged quite thoroughly about your
skills. Daloc does not have as much
faith in you as I do...", says Larentoc
as he peers at Rodric allowing the
thought to settle in.

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