Silent Howl (Sundara's Story Two)

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Silent Howl (Sundara\'s Story Two)

Postby Sundara » Sat Feb 16, 2002 7:33 am

It was the next day when the wind finally ceased to blow heavily across the mountains and the sky was deftly covered in fog. Relentless, Corian continues to drive forth with Denlar sitting beside him. 'Brother' he says, 'it is getting more difficult to tell what direction we are going.' Corian slows the wagon ordering the horses to hault with the click of his tongue pulling onto the reigns. Scanning the lands with his peircing grey eyes he pulls out a compass from his belt pouch and a map that was tucked away neatly in a scroll case. 'According to this we are heading to the right direction, Denlar.' As his brother-in-law scans the lands as well, he says, 'Something is not right here, I can feel it in my bones, brother.' Corian raises his head looking over the landscape, 'Something tells me you are right.' and he turned his head to check inside the wagon, 'Linlay, keep Sundara safe and Kelvor prepare for the unexpected.'

Denlar says, 'its quiet and I don't remember this part of the land so quiet for as long as i've traveled here.' Corian seems to agree putting away the compass and map. Dressed in his chainmail with a heavy fur about his body he quickly puts on his helm and grabs for his mace. 'Denlar, scout and give us warning of anything.' Quickly he jumps off the wagon with his bow and arrow readied and cuatiously begins his trek forth scanning for any danger up ahead. Kelvor steps down from the wagon amored with his sword in hand and shield strapped to his arm, 'Uncle, what do you think lurks out there?'
Corian replies, 'shhh...listen.' Kelvor pauses to listen, 'what, I don't hear anything..not even the wind.' Corian says, 'of course not, its an eerie silence and usually around here you'd hear at least the wolves howl.'

Within the wagon, a small child coughed burning with fever. ' hurts.' whimpered the child. Linlay held her daughter close to her bosom trying to be calm for her daughter. 'We are almost there, Sundara, shhh.' Carefully she placed the child down on a bed covered in blankets and headed towards a small trunk in the wagon. Linlay quickly opened the trunk and frantically ruffled through its contents searching for the kit that contained medicine herbs to prepare the tea. Holding the kettle of hot water in her hand she pours it in a wooden cup pouring the contents of herbs inside blowing the tea to cool down. She rushes over to her daughter sitting beside her and gently lifts Sundara's head to drink the tea. 'This should make you feel better my princess. Drink, Sundara.'

About forty five minutes had passed by and still no signs of Denlar. 'I wonder if my father is ok, I should go check, uncle.' he says worriedly. Corian places a hand firmly over Kelvor's shoulder. 'Do not do anything foolish; your father works best alone, son.' Kelvor replies with a resounding disgruntled tone, 'Uncle, I can't sit back and wait, something is wrong, he should have returned!' Within moments later, Denlar races out from the trees shouting, 'Snow trolls!! run!!!' Quickly Corian took over the reigns as Kelvor hopped on driving closer to their loved one. Denlar tried to race to the wagon after firing a few arrows hitting one of the snow trolls dead on his forehead and fell with a screaching cry. Large creatures that stood nearly seven to nine feet tall with white fur thick hide wielding large clubs in their hands that lumbered thru the trees. One of the creatures threw the club hard and fast at Denlar missing him by an inch as he neatly ducked out of the way and hit the horses instead forcing them to lose balance and the wagon crashed.

[This message has been edited by Sundara (edited 02-18-2002).]
Posts: 284
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2001 6:01 am

Postby Sundara » Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:58 am

When poverty comes knocking on your door, love escapes through the window.

-German Proverb-

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